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Please can you read my narrative CAU and give me a rough estimate grade of it so far.

It's still not finished but I need a rough estimate as to where I stand currently, thank you.

“Interview commencing at six fifteen am, Officer McCullumand suspect, Felipe Andres Coronal also known as rapper, Immortal Technique.”He breathed heavily into the tattered antique handheld recorder. His dark brownpupils fixed to my face, digging for clues within my bloodshot eyes.
“Date is 17th June 2008”. He whispered quietly. The ‘interview’caused a grin to appear on my lifeless face. An interview is a face to faceconsultation generally to pursue talks in business or a job. I was arrestedfive am, dragged out of my king sized bed in a six million dollar mansion. Thewarrant claimed it was for suspicion of rape and witness to a murder. I supposeI am a witness or a suspect in the rape, murder of Maureen Jacobs and her 23year old son William Jacobs’s suicide. Yet I struggled to understand how theauburn haired, cobalt eyed officer had the audacity to call this an‘interview’. I have partaken in many of these interviews to understand the truemeaning of what takes place. This was not an interview… but in fact aninterrogation.The plain dark room inside the police department wasirksomely cliché for me to feel a sense of panic. The dirty yellow walls whichonce had boasted glossy white paint destroyed a sense of happiness felt by thedetainee, it created a sense of exposure, unfamiliarity and isolation, in hopeof heightening the suspects ‘get me out of here‘ sensation through theinterrogation. The overpowered bulb inside of the rusty lamp flickered at mydry face hoping for the unbearable silence to force me to ‘sweat and snitch’.The veteran officer had a worrying look on his face, my calmness and patiencehad caused the tables to turn mentally as though I was interrogating him. Thesound of silence was too loud for him to hear his own thoughts, he was used tothe aggressive personality of victims involved in such atrocities. However, mysilence had untied every mind trick taught in the police department of Harlem,New York.

“Immortal Technique you are infamous for your rap single, DanceWith The Devil in which you narrate a story of a young teenager whom youdisclose as William Jacobs, please narrate the full story and explain it’smeaning in hope of clearing your name from such accusations of rape and witnessto murder.” The office asked. The sentences which were released from his mouthwere spoken fluently as though he had practised in the mirror for hours, hopingfor this day to come. “Where I come from Officer,there are many Billy Jacobs who all have the same mentality.” His name attackedmy brain with flashbacks as I relived moments which caused me nightmares. Billywas an average teenager in the rough streets of Harlem, his background andearly life was filled with drugs, violence and loneliness leading him to becomea ruthless predator on the block. Many grow up wanting to make a difference inthe world by removing extreme poverty or winning the noble prize, but thestreets of Harlem were filled with youth such as Billy who had a primaryconcern which was making a million.
“He was the biggest hustler the world has ever seen.” I told the officer togive him a rough idea of how potent Billy was.
He would often spend nights with movie star actresses wrapping their nostrilsaround the white crushed crystals causing hallucinations and compare their twodifferent worlds. This ‘lavish’ lifestyle had been this way for Billy since thetender age of thirteen. The walking out of his father could be to blame for hisgangster lifestyle but the constant drug abuse of his mother didn’t help thecause. The impact of his mother’s addiction caused her only child’s heart togrow colder. The emptiness left by his father’s secret affair caused Billy tostep up and provide for him and his mother whose job paid very little.
“He started hanging out selling bags in the projects.”
“Nothing unusual there”. Smirked the officer sipping a cup of instant coffee.

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