The Student Room Group

About Interships!

Hey! Had a few questions regarding internships. Don't they make you miss classes.. even summer internships are like 10 weeks long!and talk about a year long internship! Do international mechanical engineering students get internships in uk companies? When is the best year to do Interships (mostly summer placement)
Original post by INDRANEEL SINGH
Hey! Had a few questions regarding internships. Don't they make you miss classes.. even summer internships are like 10 weeks long!and talk about a year long internship! Do international mechanical engineering students get internships in uk companies? When is the best year to do Interships (mostly summer placement)

They don't make you miss classes - you take them during university breaks, or if you take a year in industry, then your studies will be "paused" for a year.

Yes, mech eng students get internships in the UK and it's better to take them as soon as you can - although many only get them in their penultimate year.

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