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Studying Biochemistry without A Level Biology.

I've developed a massive interest in Chemistry over the past few years and after looking at all degree options, and reading around subjects, I know Biochemistry would be perfect, but I'm unsure about my chances having not studied Biology. For some background knowledge, I got all 9s in my GCSEs (Maths, Combined Science, English, Lit, Spanish, Geography, Psychology, PE, RE), and am I currently studying Maths, Chemistry, English Lit and Spanish at A Level. I'm looking at getting 4 A*s, I got these in AS Level, and in all my mocks, so it's a pretty solid bet. I know these grades could get me into almost any Uni or course I wanted, especially considering my extracurriculars and outside knowledge, but the Biology is worrying me. I'm thinking about applying to Oxford, but considering the fact most people likely will have studied Biology also, I'm scared this disadvantage will ruin my chances. Any thoughts?
I think the best thing to do would be to contact the admissions office for the universities that you are interested in. Some universities will have this information present on their course admission page.

If they say that biology isn't absolutely necessary then I think you are good to go. First year of university courses tend to bring everyone up to the same level, which is why the first year grades don't 'count' towards your final degree classification (among other things like getting used to being away from home).

Hope this helps & good luck :smile:
Original post by Anonymous2522
I've developed a massive interest in Chemistry over the past few years and after looking at all degree options, and reading around subjects, I know Biochemistry would be perfect, but I'm unsure about my chances having not studied Biology. For some background knowledge, I got all 9s in my GCSEs (Maths, Combined Science, English, Lit, Spanish, Geography, Psychology, PE, RE), and am I currently studying Maths, Chemistry, English Lit and Spanish at A Level. I'm looking at getting 4 A*s, I got these in AS Level, and in all my mocks, so it's a pretty solid bet. I know these grades could get me into almost any Uni or course I wanted, especially considering my extracurriculars and outside knowledge, but the Biology is worrying me. I'm thinking about applying to Oxford, but considering the fact most people likely will have studied Biology also, I'm scared this disadvantage will ruin my chances. Any thoughts?

Can I ask how your application went?
Original post by Anonymous2522
I've developed a massive interest in Chemistry over the past few years and after looking at all degree options, and reading around subjects, I know Biochemistry would be perfect, but I'm unsure about my chances having not studied Biology. For some background knowledge, I got all 9s in my GCSEs (Maths, Combined Science, English, Lit, Spanish, Geography, Psychology, PE, RE), and am I currently studying Maths, Chemistry, English Lit and Spanish at A Level. I'm looking at getting 4 A*s, I got these in AS Level, and in all my mocks, so it's a pretty solid bet. I know these grades could get me into almost any Uni or course I wanted, especially considering my extracurriculars and outside knowledge, but the Biology is worrying me. I'm thinking about applying to Oxford, but considering the fact most people likely will have studied Biology also, I'm scared this disadvantage will ruin my chances. Any thoughts?


I'm Oliver and currently a 4th year natural sciences student at Lancaster. I don't know about Oxford but I know that here we only require A level chemistry and one other science for our biochemistry degree but it doesn't have to be biology. I actually took the biochemistry pathway as part of my natural sciences program and found that the department were very good at getting everyone up to the same level in first year regardless of if you'd studied biology before or not.

I hope that helps and feel free to ask any other questions :smile:

Oliver (student ambassador)
Original post by Anonymous2522
I've developed a massive interest in Chemistry over the past few years and after looking at all degree options, and reading around subjects, I know Biochemistry would be perfect, but I'm unsure about my chances having not studied Biology. For some background knowledge, I got all 9s in my GCSEs (Maths, Combined Science, English, Lit, Spanish, Geography, Psychology, PE, RE), and am I currently studying Maths, Chemistry, English Lit and Spanish at A Level. I'm looking at getting 4 A*s, I got these in AS Level, and in all my mocks, so it's a pretty solid bet. I know these grades could get me into almost any Uni or course I wanted, especially considering my extracurriculars and outside knowledge, but the Biology is worrying me. I'm thinking about applying to Oxford, but considering the fact most people likely will have studied Biology also, I'm scared this disadvantage will ruin my chances. Any thoughts?

Hi @Anonymous2522,
Some courses may have it as an entry requirement, so it might be best to look on the course page on the universities website or if its not shown there contact the universities admissions department. As part of 1st year in your degree there will be a lot of core skills modules which should bring you up to speed with anything needed for the course in the future that may have been covered by A level Biology.
However, for example, at Lancaster A level Biology is not a requirement for the Biochemistry course. The entry requirements are AAB with a requirements of A Level chemistry and one other science(of which math's counts). If your interested in this course i'll link the page below.
Biochemistry BSc Hons (C700) - Lancaster University
Hope this helps!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)

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