The Student Room Group

Are weighted blankets bad for sexual abuse victims? I want people's opinions

I have a lot of stress and anxiety and my support worker suggested a weighted blanket.I said I think it would make me feel worse cause I'd feel held down and trapped. She then said oh actually it probably wouldn't make you feel better cause of your past (my grandad abused me and it included holding my arms down and not letting me move away when I wanted) I was just wondering what people's thoughts are on if weighted blankets are helpful or harmful to sexual abuse victims
Original post by Anonymous
I have a lot of stress and anxiety and my support worker suggested a weighted blanket.I said I think it would make me feel worse cause I'd feel held down and trapped. She then said oh actually it probably wouldn't make you feel better cause of your past (my grandad abused me and it included holding my arms down and not letting me move away when I wanted) I was just wondering what people's thoughts are on if weighted blankets are helpful or harmful to sexual abuse victims

To be honest, I don’t think you will know unless you try one out.
Maybe putting it over your legs rather than your arms would help? Or covering yourself but having your arms on top, so you can move them?
It might be that if you are in control of the weighted blanket, you won’t associate it with all the bad memories.
Original post by Anonymous
I have a lot of stress and anxiety and my support worker suggested a weighted blanket.I said I think it would make me feel worse cause I'd feel held down and trapped. She then said oh actually it probably wouldn't make you feel better cause of your past (my grandad abused me and it included holding my arms down and not letting me move away when I wanted) I was just wondering what people's thoughts are on if weighted blankets are helpful or harmful to sexual abuse victims

I personally found it suffocating, and it triggered my PTSD. What was helpful was a heating pad for my bed. You put them under the fitted sheets, and getting into a warm bed helps so much to ease muscle cramps, for me personally. Best of luck :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
I have a lot of stress and anxiety and my support worker suggested a weighted blanket.I said I think it would make me feel worse cause I'd feel held down and trapped. She then said oh actually it probably wouldn't make you feel better cause of your past (my grandad abused me and it included holding my arms down and not letting me move away when I wanted) I was just wondering what people's thoughts are on if weighted blankets are helpful or harmful to sexual abuse victims

I absolutely love mine and can’t sleep without it!
Why not give it a shot. Order one off Amazon then if you don’t like it then you can return it.

Although you probably can’t return it once you slept with overnight, and for me it took a few nights to start enjoying it.
Totally depends on the individual. I know people who have experienced sexual abuse who find weighted blankets really useful when in distress as it feels like a heavy hug, but others may feel similar to you, OP. There's no right or wrong answer.
Varies a lot between sexual abuse survivors.
It depends on the specific individual, their past and how they react.

Many find that use can improve the quality of their sleep, ease their feelings of stress or anxiety and provide them with a sense of comfort & security.
While others report suffering intense feelings of being overwhelmed, flashbacks of severe traumatic events, ptsd, heavy sweating episodes or severe overheating.
Reply 6
I know someone who swears by their weighted blanket and has vastly improved sleep patterns. Thats said everyone is different.

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