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Occupational health check - mental health history - MEDICAL SCHOOL

Hi there, i'm starting my medicine course in 2023. However, I am a bit anxious about the occupational health assessment/check (fitness for practise). I do have a history of depression/anxiety and have been medicated for this in the past. Will I be rejected from my medical course or lose my place due to this? Are there any other medical students who had a history of mental health issues (anxiety/depression) and who are on medicine courses now?
I also have been in therapy for my mental health and am currently going to therapy now.

All in all: I am stable now and in a very good place mentally - i'm just concerned my history of mental health diagnoses on my NHS record will stop me from going to medical school due to stigma?
Hi, sorry to hear things were difficult, and I'm so glad you're doing well! Universities are essentially trying to see if you'll be able to do the course and keep your health well. Essentially, so long as you're doing well now, there should be no issues. Medicine is a very difficult degree, and plenty of students will face mental health challenges due to it, the university is very used to it! :smile:
Reply 2
Hey there! Thank you for responding so quickly and reassuring me. So can I be sure that i'm not gonna lose my place or anything because of my history with mental health? :frown: i just worked so hard for this place and i dont wanna risk losing it hahaha
Original post by suzii583
Hey there! Thank you for responding so quickly and reassuring me. So can I be sure that i'm not gonna lose my place or anything because of my history with mental health? :frown: i just worked so hard for this place and i dont wanna risk losing it hahaha

I can't see any reason why you would lose your place if you're now able to do the course. I'm a medicine applicant too, I completely understand how hard it is, I went through OH for a heart condition, and they were nice and helpful. Be sure to stress that you're healthy now, don't see any reason why you would become unwell again, and now have much more support, and you should be fine :smile:
Reply 4
For uncomplicated anxiety/depression with suitable medication, they won't take your place away. They will just want to check if you need extra support.

Most important thing is DO NOT LIE. That is far, far more serious than being on some antidepressants.
Reply 5
Original post by Helenia
For uncomplicated anxiety/depression with suitable medication, they won't take your place away. They will just want to check if you need extra support.

Most important thing is DO NOT LIE. That is far, far more serious than being on some antidepressants.

i def wouldn't lie. i plan on being very honest about it in the health check :smile:
are there any MH conditions they would take your place away for?
Original post by suzii583
Are there any MH conditions they would take your place away for?

The only grounds for that would be if the safety of the student or safety of patients was at too high a risk. This process is purely about safety.
Original post by suzii583
Hi there, i'm starting my medicine course in 2023. However, I am a bit anxious about the occupational health assessment/check (fitness for practise). I do have a history of depression/anxiety and have been medicated for this in the past. Will I be rejected from my medical course or lose my place due to this? Are there any other medical students who had a history of mental health issues (anxiety/depression) and who are on medicine courses now?
I also have been in therapy for my mental health and am currently going to therapy now.

All in all: I am stable now and in a very good place mentally - i'm just concerned my history of mental health diagnoses on my NHS record will stop me from going to medical school due to stigma?

it's abundently clear you do you understand what Occupational health is about

Also quite clear you haven't done even the most cursory reading on the topic .

OH do not set out to remove people from courses or employment , however this remains an option for the protection of the individual and the public.

Havving Occy Health on side can be a VERY prwerful tool for you in dealing with idiots in management

there are plenty of HCPs with mental health diagnoses who are working

if you are well , following an active treatment plan and have no recent significantissues that involved admission and /or Section there is little or no reason to prevent you from r starting the course

as others have Said DO NOT LIE - becasue a lie in this regard is an automatic FtP 'failure' issue and will bite you on the arse
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by suzii583
i def wouldn't lie. i plan on being very honest about it in the health check :smile:
are there any MH conditions they would take your place away for?

Diagnosis - No ?

management yes - recent inpatient admission(s) especially if sectioned will bring your fitness to Practise into greater question
Original post by Helenia
For uncomplicated anxiety/depression with suitable medication, they won't take your place away. They will just want to check if you need extra support.

Most important thing is DO NOT LIE. That is far, far more serious than being on some antidepressants.

still PRSOM to you Doc
Original post by InArduisFouette
it's abundently clear you do you understand what Occupational health is about

Also quite clear you haven't done even the most cursory reading on the topic .

That's...- that's why OP is asking bro
Original post by CatInTheCorner
That's...- that's why OP is asking bro

1. I am not your 'bro' in the colloquial sense
2. i am defeinitely not your your 'bro' as i am a woman
3. without being particualtly LMGTFY 'searching for occupational health medical student' among the top three results is the follwing

and the rest of the first page of search results is individual unis / Medicla Schools describing their OH procedures and why people might be required to to undertake further investigation / attend the OH dept ...

given Medical Students purport to be the top 0.1 % of 18 year old yuong adults ...
What was the outcome from this?
Original post by InArduisFouette
Diagnosis - No ?
management yes - recent inpatient admission(s) especially if sectioned will bring your fitness to Practise into greater question

if you have been sectioned in the past but have been managing in the community for 2 years can they take your place away?

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