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KCL nursing applicants for 2023 entry

Anyone applying to kings college London, city or London south bank for nursing? Tap in!!!!

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Reply 1
hey i am
Reply 2
is KCL interviews hard?
are the interviews virtual at kcl
Original post by Joa8584
is KCL interviews hard?

im not sure about KCL, but for Greenwich it was just 5 questions, I have an LSBU coming up, do you have a kings interview?
Reply 5
Original post by jennnnnaaaa
are the interviews virtual at kcl

Yh that's what I read on their website not sure though
Reply 6
Original post by kade.ffn04
im not sure about KCL, but for Greenwich it was just 5 questions, I have an LSBU coming up, do you have a kings interview?

No I'm planning on applying by the end of this week hopefully
Reply 7
How quickly did you guys interview after you applied?
Original post by HY1999
How quickly did you guys interview after you applied?

My school sent off our applications on the 8th, and I got 3 interview offers within a week from Greenwich, middlesex and LSBU, I’m still waiting on KCL and city of London.
Reply 9
Original post by Dijabelle
Anyone applying to kings college London, city or London south bank for nursing? Tap in!!!!

@Dijabelle Good luck with your application! If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact our Enquiry team on [email protected]

Reply 10
Original post by Dijabelle
Anyone applying to kings college London, city or London south bank for nursing? Tap in!!!!

Hi @Dijabelle
Good luck with your application!
If you require any assistance, please do get in touch with our Enquiry team - [email protected]
Best wishes
Original post by jennnnnaaaa
are the interviews virtual at kcl

Yes I got an interview for KCL and its for next Friday and this virtual
ahh congratss how have you prepared for it
Original post by kade.ffn04
Yes I got an interview for KCL and its for next Friday and this virtual
applied for childrens nursing n have an interview next week !
Original post by
applied for childrens nursing n have an interview next week !

My interview was on Friday, it went alright, was a bit stressed but by this week they’ll let me know the outcome! Idk about children’s nursing
Reply 15
Application sent off for Kings and city yesterday!! Does anyone know what the timeframes are like for interviews/offers? :smile:
Original post by kade.ffn04
My interview was on Friday, it went alright, was a bit stressed but by this week they’ll let me know the outcome! Idk about children’s nursing

Hello I have my kings interview soon for nursing could you give me any tips and how I should prepare
Reply 17
I got an interview for ARU and UEA kings and City London is still processing my application
I'm really stuck on my interview for adult nursing can anyone help with like wat type of q we could get asked and how to answer them please
that's good at least it's over now, i hope you get in!! were the qs just generic like why nursing n why kings? or was it more complicated

Original post by kade.ffn04
My interview was on Friday, it went alright, was a bit stressed but by this week they’ll let me know the outcome! Idk about children’s nursing
Hi I have my virtual interview for Kings next week, can I hear about how it was structured from anyone who has already completed the interview? Did you have to do any tests or anything as well, or was it just the virtual interview? Also any prep tips, much appreciated!

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