The Student Room Group

KCL MPhil / PhD Application


I didnt see any threads on 2024/2025 MPhil/PhD application for KCL.
I applied for applied mathematics in january , still waiting for a decision. Did some of you apply?
(edited 11 months ago)

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Reply 1
is it the theoretical physics program? If so, I did apply and I had my interview last week
Reply 2

Original post by Loomis667
is it the theoretical physics program? If so, I did apply and I had my interview last week
Congrats ! How did it go ?
Reply 3
Original post by juliarouzies
Congrats ! How did it go ?

thanks! it went really well. Fingers crossed
Anyone knows usually how long it will take for the whole process? I emailed to an advertised position and the supervisor replied and encouraged me to apply.
Reply 5
Original post by Sleepwalkin’
Anyone knows usually how long it will take for the whole process? I emailed to an advertised position and the supervisor replied and encouraged me to apply.

I applied mid january, still waiting for the results.
Reply 6
I'd say if you contacted potential supervisor(s) before applying, perhaps it's a good idea to email them to find out? Don't know how they do things in your department though!
Reply 7
Any law PhD applicants here ?

And also when do KCL internal funding results come out? Waiting for a month now since acceptance into the program
Reply 8
any news anyone?
Reply 9
Anyone else had an interview with the theoretical physics group in the past two weeks and is still waiting for a response?
Reply 10
if someone was accepted but does not want to go, please reject the offer
Reply 11
Original post by Loomis667
if someone was accepted but does not want to go, please reject the offer

the wait is driving me nuts. Still no news on my end either ☹️
Reply 12
Original post by juliarouzies
the wait is driving me nuts. Still no news on my end either ☹️

Are you from the UK?
Reply 13
Original post by Loomis667
Are you from the UK?

International student
I applied for the PhD in Law, but not for the internal scholarship and my application is still in the review and consideration stage. I did apply around mid January so not in the first cycle. Such a long and stressful wait. I don't think I could do the PhD application process again to be honest.
Applied to LSM and received my informal funding offer this week, still waiting for the formal offer from general admission. finger crossed and good luck everyone!
I, too, applied in mid-January and there has been no reply so far.
I received an offer, I am really looking forward to starting. A PhD is a big step and a unique pathway and attending university when you are super focused makes the journey all the more rewarding. Wishing everyone good luck and blessings in their academic journey
@melonandrice what was your timeline? when did you apply? thx
Reply 19
i applied Phd in dentistry mid march
did not received an offer yet

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