The Student Room Group

Mpharm kcl & ucl

heyy guys, is anyone applying to Kings College or UCL for mpharm? please let me know your predicted grades and if you received an offer.

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Reply 1
applied a couple weeks back
not heard back from any unis apart from aston who want me to do an interview in jan
Reply 2
Original post by Mk17KM
applied a couple weeks back
not heard back from any unis apart from aston who want me to do an interview in jan

please lmk if you hear back from kcl or icl i got interview from kingston in january
Reply 3
Original post by AJ_05_
please lmk if you hear back from kcl or icl i got interview from kingston in january

will do boss, lmk how the interview goes
Reply 4
Original post by AJ_05_
please lmk if you hear back from kcl or icl i got interview from kingston in january

@Aj_05_ i got interviews for notts, kcl and Ucl
i didnt apply med all 5 options for pharm
Reply 5
Original post by Mk17KM
@Aj_05_ i got interviews for notts, kcl and Ucl
i didnt apply med all 5 options for pharm

hii, i got a test from UCL but no interview i got a test and interview from kingston.
Reply 6
Original post by Mk17KM
@Aj_05_ i got interviews for notts, kcl and Ucl
i didnt apply med all 5 options for pharm

heyy dyu mind if i get ur insta?
Reply 7
Original post by AJ_05_
heyy dyu mind if i get ur insta?

yh sure @muhammad_khurrram
correction : test for UCL *
done interview for notts
aston interview soon
Reply 8
Original post by Mk17KM
yh sure @muhammad_khurrram
correction : test for UCL *
done interview for notts
aston interview soon

add me please aqsaa_jx
Reply 9
Original post by AJ_05_
add me please aqsaa_jx

Reply 10
Original post by Mk17KM

it wont let me msg u fsr could youu
Original post by Mk17KM
@Aj_05_ i got interviews for notts, kcl and Ucl
i didnt apply med all 5 options for pharm

ooh you got an interview with kings, i didnt think anyone had heard back yet well done
Original post by Mk17KM

@Aj_05_ i got interviews for notts, kcl and Ucl
i didnt apply med all 5 options for pharm

When did you get an interview to KCL
Original post by AJ_05_
Original post by Mk17KM
applied a couple weeks back
not heard back from any unis apart from aston who want me to do an interview in jan

please lmk if you hear back from kcl or icl i got interview from kingston in january

What Unis did you apply to and what have u heard back from?
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous #1
please lmk if you hear back from kcl or icl i got interview from kingston in january

What Unis did you apply to and what have u heard back from?
i got offer from kingston, interview medway, did ucl test no interview yet,kcl just gcse certificate

what about you?
Reply 15
Original post by R.e.u99
When did you get an interview to KCL

Sorry i must have misstyped
i meant aston ,uon and ucl
still wating on kcl , uob
Original post by AJ_05_

What Unis did you apply to and what have u heard back from?

i got offer from kingston, interview medway, did ucl test no interview yet,kcl just gcse certificate

what about you?

Ooooh nearly same!!!! I applied for ucl and I did the test too, I’m waiting on KCL and they also asked me for my GCSE certificate, I also did the Kingston interview but no offer and it went really bad on their side due to their technical difficulties and I also applied to QMUL for pharmaceutical chem and received an offer
same here + hertfordshire lmao, well done on your offers! ive seen medway responding to a few people and even though theyre my last option i want a response 😭
(edited 1 year ago)
i guess no one got any interviews from kcl yet. I applied 4 dentistry and my 5th is kcl pharm so do u guys think they will priorities ppl who only apply for pharm compared to me, btw my ps is on dentistry
I applied to ucl, kings, Notts and manny and got a notts interview and manny offer, i also did my ucl test + interview but haven’t heard from kcl

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