The Student Room Group

How to cope with the cost of living as a student

Let’s talk about the cost of living! With the cost of living crisis a top concern on everyone’s minds, as a University we’re conscious of the fact that it’s hitting students particularly hard. To try and help ease your concerns, we've asked our Student Engagement Officer, Jack, to help answer your questions and provide practical advice on the things you can do to save money whilst you're studying. So, drop us a message below with your questions/concerns or share the ways that you’ve been trying to save!! :smile:
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by TSR Talks- Liverpool Hope University
Let’s talk about the cost of living! With the cost of living crisis a top concern on everyone’s minds, as a University we’re conscious of the fact that it’s hitting students particularly hard. To try and help ease your concerns, we've asked our Student Engagement Officer, Jack, to help answer your questions and provide practical advice on the things you can do to save money whilst you're studying. So, drop us a message below with your questions/concerns or share the ways that you’ve been trying to save! :smile:

How do I make sure that I eat cheaply but healthily as well? I only have one or two cheap meals that I can make and both of them are pasta
Whats the best way to speak to my university if Im finding it hard at the moment? Im a bit embarrassed about asking for money or help from anyone and unsure what im even able to get, its not very clear.
You can find some tips here to cope over the festive period :smile:
Original post by Nibblet27
How do I make sure that I eat cheaply but healthily as well? I only have one or two cheap meals that I can make and both of them are pasta

Hey there Nibblet27!

There is a really useful guide here on a Healthy student budget meal plan.

There is also a good ''budget'' section on the BBC's good food website. Hope you find some alternative interesting recipes that aren't just pasta!

Hope that helps :smile:

Original post by Nibblet27
How do I make sure that I eat cheaply but healthily as well? I only have one or two cheap meals that I can make and both of them are pasta


For ingredients, most supermarkets have a reduced section of foods where the best before date is upcoming. Shopping in these sections is a great way of trying new meals on a budget. You can also freeze foods if you don’t want to eat them right away!

Save the student also have ideas for eating healthily on a budget here, so check this out too.

Hope this helps,
Original post by Anonymous
Whats the best way to speak to my university if Im finding it hard at the moment? Im a bit embarrassed about asking for money or help from anyone and unsure what im even able to get, its not very clear.


I would recommend speaking to the student finance team at your university, who will be able to signpost you to hardship funds available. If you would rather speak to somebody more privately, get in touch with support staff at your university such as the well-being team, welfare officers, or engagement officers. They will be able to help you, and speak to staff on your behalf. You could also chat to your Students Union.

Also, please don’t feel embarrassed about reaching out! It is a difficult time of year finance wise, and I guarantee anybody you speak to will understand completely.

Jack :smile:
Original post by TSR Talks- Liverpool Hope University
Let’s talk about the cost of living! With the cost of living crisis a top concern on everyone’s minds, as a University we’re conscious of the fact that it’s hitting students particularly hard. To try and help ease your concerns, we've asked our Student Engagement Officer, Jack, to help answer your questions and provide practical advice on the things you can do to save money whilst you're studying. So, drop us a message below with your questions/concerns or share the ways that you’ve been trying to save!! :smile:

Hi everyone,

With Christmas coming up, I’ll share some of my top tips for saving money when I was a student!

1. Shop in the reduced sections - supermarkets like Tesco and Asda have discounts on items which will be out of date soon. Shopping here is a great way to save money, try new foods for less, and you can also freeze meals too!

2. Sell your clutter - if you have old clothes, books, or video games lying around your student accom, selling these to second hand shops is a great way to get some cash!

3. Budget - have a weekly or monthly plan of where your money will be going. Make sure to factor in the big shop, Christmas presents, transport home, and the Christmas night out!

Hopefully this helps, and make sure to check out Save the Student for more tips,

Jack :biggrin:
My daughter who is a student would also recommend the ''Too good to go'' app. She paid £3.00 to collect a parcel from Greggs between 5 and 5.15 before the shut, and anything thats not sold that day with it being fresh goes in a 'goodie bag'. For 3 pounds she had a cheese and onion bake and a steak bake, eccles cakes, cookies. There was a lot of other stuff in there I can't remember, but this lasted her and her boyfriend throughout the weekend.
She cant get it all the time, as people snap them up quick, but if you can get them, you do get value for money.
She also recommends if you live close to a city to definitely not shop all at one shop. She can get items which are close to the real brand at aldi, or she will shop at poundland as well.
Original post by Ghostlady
My daughter who is a student would also recommend the ''Too good to go'' app. She paid £3.00 to collect a parcel from Greggs between 5 and 5.15 before the shut, and anything thats not sold that day with it being fresh goes in a 'goodie bag'. For 3 pounds she had a cheese and onion bake and a steak bake, eccles cakes, cookies. There was a lot of other stuff in there I can't remember, but this lasted her and her boyfriend throughout the weekend.
She cant get it all the time, as people snap them up quick, but if you can get them, you do get value for money.
She also recommends if you live close to a city to definitely not shop all at one shop. She can get items which are close to the real brand at aldi, or she will shop at poundland as well.

These are great ideas! 'Too good to go' can be found here. It's also a good way of trying new foods for less.

Thank you for this great advice Ghostlady

Jack :smile:
In some cities there are not enough bar staff and other part time workers so it can also be a good plan to get a job even if just all day Saturday to help make ends meet.
Original post by 17Student17
In some cities there are not enough bar staff and other part time workers so it can also be a good plan to get a job even if just all day Saturday to help make ends meet.


Happy New Year!

This is a great idea, thank you for sharing!
It is also worth having a look if your university offer student jobs around campus. Staff here will often be very understanding about needing to swap shifts for assignments which is always a plus.

Jack :biggrin:
just quit your job and claim universal credit, standard of living for yourself will go up
Hey if anyone is interested with help for bills I can get you a free £50 bill credit as a virgin media student ambassador + other perks too - message me if interested!
Original post by Nibblet27
How do I make sure that I eat cheaply but healthily as well? I only have one or two cheap meals that I can make and both of them are pasta

Hi there,

I'm a second year student studying Primary Education with QTS at Liverpool Hope University and this is something I have found challenging whilst at university.

I find that batch cooking food in bulk and freezing ready made portions is really helpful. This way, you choose what's in your food, It's cheap, healthy and relatively easy and your meals are ready and prepared for the week ahead. I cook things like: chilli con carne, spaghetti Bolognese, chicken or chickpea curry, pasta bake (with tuna or chicken depending on dietary requirements), Sausage Casserole, cottage pie. There is some more inspiration here: Student recipes | BBC Good Food. This has really helped me! It's so much more efficient than buying ready meals or noodles....

Hope this helps,


Student Ambassador from Liverpool Hope University.

My name is Haya and I use the 50-30-20 budgeting rules to help with the cost of living crisis, which is where I use 50% of my income for rent, bills, and necessities.

30% for wants like eating out, spending time with friends ,and 20% for savings like travelling, and buying things I want depending on you initial budget.

You can also use apps like Goodbudget to help.

As for cooking, if you can invest in an air fryer, there's a lot of easy recipes on TikTok and Youtube to be able to meal prep. Otherwise, try out one pot recipes which are usually easy and don't require a lot of cleaning time.

Best of luck,

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