The Student Room Group

gcse latin resources?

hi, im taking latin ocr gcse (as you might have guessed) and i was wondering where people get their revision resources from? ive got magistrula atm and the textbook, but does anyone else have any recommendations?
(edited 2 years ago)
I'd go to the Google search engine and type in something like:
1. GCSE Latin Revision.
Alternatively, I'd put in the board I am studying and subject for example say your doing OCR GCSE Latin.
OCR Latin OCR GCSE Revision
I'ld also go into Youtube in the search.
And do the same thing...
Things to look for your syllabus paper walk throughs or text book literature coverage and translation.
GCSE Latin in Revise
Latin GCSE Teachers resources
Student room advice
Before you ask a question in future please remember to include the syllabus that you are studying. Also additionally check that your question has not already been answered in the student room..
Finally here is a handbook
In addition I would look at my whole syllabus not just an outline. I'd look into topics I found difficult and search for them in Google or Youtube search.
Does anyone have any practice questions for Virgil Aeneid Book 6?
there are some really good resources on this website
do you have any exemplar 10 markers or 8 markers? Or any annotations.
Original post by funforester43
there are some really good resources on this website
do you have any exemplar 10 markers or 8 markers? Or any annotations.

Wow! Thank you so much! That’s super helpful 😊
Original post by funforester43
there are some really good resources on this website
do you have any exemplar 10 markers or 8 markers? Or any annotations.

Hey, does anyone happen to have any practice essays or questions for the Literature and Culture paper? I’m studying the romans in Britain and Entertainment. Thanks!
Original post by Serena#J
Hey, does anyone happen to have any practice essays or questions for the Literature and Culture paper? I’m studying the romans in Britain and Entertainment. Thanks!

Also how did you guys find the Paper 2?
Reply 7
Original post by Serena#J
Also how did you guys find the Paper 2?

hey did anyone do aeneid 6?? if u did, what came up in the exam??

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