The Student Room Group

Day in the Life of a Student Midwife at Kingston Uni :)

Hey :tongue: I'm Daisy, a student at Kingston University where I study Midwifery. For anyone coming to study midwifery or nursing, this is the sort of day on campus you can expect - days in placement are very different, of course!

0800-0930: Travelling to Kingston Hill campus. I live quite far away but it's still easy for me to get to Kingston Hill using the free KU bus service :smile:

0930-1000: Coffee in the Business School and catching up with my friends before class starts - KBS cafe has comfy sofas :wink:

1000-1130: First class of the day! Today we are using the skills labs to practice our clinical skills. KU has great facilities for future midwives, nurses and social workers to practice in a safe, calm setting before going out into the real world!

1130-1200: Coffee break (I drink a lot of coffee, can you tell?!). We sit in the Library and use the computers there to print off the pre-reading for our afternoon class... better late than never!

1200-1300: We have an hour of cohort time with our current cohort lead, just to ask any questions we have or raise any concerns. It's always helpful to have everyone in one place... and it's nice to see everyone after being off in placement!

1300-1400: LUNCH YAY! There are sandwiches and things available in the Library cafe and Business School, but the best food is up in the canteen so we head up there to get some jacky ps and beans :biggrin:

1400-1600: This afternoon we have a lecture about jaundice in babies. Since Covid, our degree has been a mix of in-person and online classes; there are pros and cons to each but I personally enjoy having our more complex lectures in person

Then it's home time!

Hope this gives you a flavour of what it's like to study midwifery at Kingston :smile: any questions about the course, let me know!

hi daisy! thanks so much for an insight into one of your days on campus I enjoyed reading it! did you have to attend mon- thurs?
Original post by maya042004
hi daisy! thanks so much for an insight into one of your days on campus I enjoyed reading it! did you have to attend mon- thurs?

Hi @maya042004,

I am a first year Mental Health Nursing Student and attend university Monday to Friday 9-5. This might change next year as the university is introducing more online learning for nursing students. I assume that Daisy will be on a similar schedule to mine.

Feel free to ask me more questions)
Hristiana (Kingston Rep)
Reply 3
What does a typical timetable for a uni block week look like?
hi how long do you get off over summer

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