The Student Room Group

2023 OCR A-level History

Is anyone is doing ocr
-Alfred and the Making of England 871 1016
-Russia 1894 1941
-Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries
and have they heard any predictions for 2023.
I’m doing russia, i was thinking they might focus on unit from bolshevik consolidation so like civil war and stuff cause it got taken off last year
im doing russia and honestly have no idea... from my paper 1 it would seem ocr dont care about repeating questions!!
Reply 3
Anyone do democracy and dictorships and know what the 2022 questions were
Reply 4
We are doing American Civil Rights. Does anyone know what the essays were for last year's 2023 paper?
Reply 5
Original post by Z_oooo
Is anyone is doing ocr
-Alfred and the Making of England 871 1016
-Russia 1894 1941
-Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries
and have they heard any predictions for 2023.
Hey by any chance do you remember the questions for Russia 1894-1941?
Reply 6
Original post by cmarl1802
im doing russia and honestly have no idea... from my paper 1 it would seem ocr dont care about repeating questions!!
Do you happen to remember the question for Russia?

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