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Edexcel A-level Religious Studies Paper 1 (9RS0 01) - 12th June 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your Edexcel A-level Religious Studies Paper 1 exam go today?

Edexcel A-level Religious Studies Paper 1 (9RS0 01) - 12th June 2023 [Exam Chat]
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General Information
Date/Time: 12 Jun 2023/ AM
Length: 2h
(edited 1 year ago)

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hows everyone feeling about this exam ? does anybody have any predictions ?
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Original post by LOST_CASEXOXO
hows everyone feeling about this exam ? does anybody have any predictions ?

I am gonna die, I don’t know any content 😭
Original post by sxwtoon
I am gonna die, I don’t know any content 😭

what do you think is going to come up
I think it might be heavy on unit 6 related perhaps idk any predictions though anything would be helpful
Original post by LOST_CASEXOXO
what do you think is going to come up

Problem evil I think is likely, could be the anthology or even a 30 marker

Religious experiences probably more than likely as a 30 marker there's a strong chance as well as there's never been a 30 marker on RE.

Works of scholar's might come up as it would be pretty mean but I would revise that topic just in case.

Same with topic 6, like life after death, Science and religion.

I think those are the topics I would priotise, As Flews extract came up last year so the anthology is gonna probably be Mackie or Coppleston

Religious language has came up quite in previous years as well, doesn't mean it won't come up as like an 8 or a 12 marker though.

If the extract is Coppleston and Russel the 20 marker could be RE or it could be one of the arguments for God's exsitince so it's worth looking over the arguments again just in case.

Hope this helps a little bit, I wouldn't focus too much on Religious language, nor on the arguments for God's existence before tomorrow
Also if Religious language is gonna come up, make sure you learn language games (Wittgenstein and stuff) just because there's never been a question relating to him so that probably would be the 8/12 marker
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 8
Original post by Enayat Khorsand
My predictions are

For the 8 Marker it could really be anything but Id say something to do with life after death (Unit 6)

12 Marker may be Religious Language

10 Marker Russell and Coplestone debate

20 Marker Gods existence - maybe the cosmological argument etc

30 Marker - Religious Experience as its the only Unit that hasn’t come up as a 30 marker before

The probability of religious language coming is pretty slim since it came up last year and there was already 12 marker on religious language in 2020
Original post by sxwtoon
The probability of religious language coming is pretty slim since it came up last year and there was already 12 marker on religious language in 2020

True but the only unit for 12 marker that hasn't come up is Religious experiences, religious experience hasn't come up as a 30 marker either, if I had to guess which it would come up as, I would've thought as a 30 marker but it may come up as both
does anyone know an example of a 30 marker they could do for religious experience?
Original post by annaie123
does anyone know an example of a 30 marker they could do for religious experience?

it's difficult to say specifics but i think your safest bet is a question about how convincing the argument for/against religious experience is.
What do you guys think will come up for paper 2 30 marker, the pattern seems to be different compared to paper 1 so it’s difficult to predict or am I tripping 😭
Original post by sxwtoon
What do you guys think will come up for paper 2 30 marker, the pattern seems to be different compared to paper 1 so it’s difficult to predict or am I tripping 😭

How did you find the paper?

And also I'll have a look, at the past questions but I think it might be about religion and race or sexual ethics
i found the paper went really well ! was expecting something on religious experience like tillich or even on wittgenstein's language games since i don't think much of that has come in the past. definitely was expecting more on life after death n the soul like hick's replica theory ( so glad it wasn't on ) . finished everything in a timely manner ( i did leave out things on the F.W.D for moral evil trumping natural in the 20 marker that i had already talked about in the P.O.E 10 marker prior however bcs i didn't feel like repeating the same points for the sake of it ) .
Original post by lcvehrt
i found the paper went really well ! was expecting something on religious experience like tillich or even on wittgenstein's language games since i don't think much of that has come in the past. definitely was expecting more on life after death n the soul like hick's replica theory ( so glad it wasn't on ) . finished everything in a timely manner ( i did leave out things on the F.W.D for moral evil trumping natural in the 20 marker that i had already talked about in the P.O.E 10 marker prior however bcs i didn't feel like repeating the same points for the sake of it ) .

Yeah I liked the paper a lot as well, pretty straightforward and I was able to write a lot for everything
What did you write for the 30 marker out of curiosity? I talked about enlightenment critiques (hume and Kant)

Psychological critiques ( Freud)

Sociological critiques (marx
Atheistic critiques with Dawkins

Keith Ward for defense and then also post modernism

I evaluated for and against in each points, but just wanted to know if people done anything similar as it wasn't the 30 marker I planned for
how did everyone find the 20 maker
Original post by ibby-2626
Yeah I liked the paper a lot as well, pretty straightforward and I was able to write a lot for everything
What did you write for the 30 marker out of curiosity? I talked about enlightenment critiques (hume and Kant)

Psychological critiques ( Freud)

Sociological critiques (marx
Atheistic critiques with Dawkins

Keith Ward for defense and then also post modernism

I evaluated for and against in each points, but just wanted to know if people done anything similar as it wasn't the 30 marker I planned for

yes !! i did exactly the same. i honestly didn't have a 'plan' for any 30 marker that was going to come up, just briefly looked over all possible options n made a tiny plan. kant & hume's interpretation of the kernel and the husk.
then friedrich schleiermacher and his different perspective on that ^ r.e. and whatnot.
freud and his psychological critiques followed up by marx and his sociological critiques.
ended it with dawkins' anti-theist stance - i could've done keith ward n / post modern views but my hand was ACHING by then. also lowkey used them as a counter against for marx n freud by saying stuff like religion IS actually good for these people , is subjective + contribute to a lot.
ran through 2 pens 😭 .
Original post by minaadnd
how did everyone find the 20 maker

pretty chill , kind of approached it as , although natural evil may seem controversial due to humans having no volition n god being the main contributor .. ( used augustine ' all things r perfect ' ' satan wrecked it all ' n process theodicy as natural evil defenders n argued why this was stupid ) it does inevitably lead to the same conclusion that moral evil has. they're both as bad as each other so one conversation isn't 'greater'. they both lead to omnipotence being sacrificed / paradoxes. dk if this was right lol , just rolled w it.
I used FWD as a strong solution to moral evil.
Then mentioned several solutions that were incapable of providing sufficient solutions to non moral solutions.

Hence Moral evil < Non moral

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