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Eduqas religious studies a level 2023 : ethics predictions/revision advice

Eduqas religious studies a level 2023 : ethics predictions/revision advice
so for this paper i dont feel that predictions would be too useful because for the philsophy paper although topics like the iranean theodicy has been used a few times it still comes up but to be fair some predictions me and a few others make have been correct and id like to see a few happening
Hi can anyone remember what the 2023 ethics paper was on?
Reply 3
Original post by lil.fawcett
Hi can anyone remember what the 2023 ethics paper was on?


Finnis natural law (b applied to ethical issues)


Proportionalism also applied to ethical issues


Bentham act utilitarianism (b promotes justice)


Virtue theory



Reply 4
divine command theory
ethical egoism
aquinas natural law - euthanasia
situation ethics and application - homosexuality
application of hoose - immigration and capital punishmentment
rule utilitarianism
application of utilitarianism
predestination - augustine and calvin
free will - arminius and pelagius
implications of free will and libertarianism

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