The Student Room Group

Under garments tip - Fashion

Hey I’m looking for some advice on how to wear dresses or any clothes in face without bra line & strap & underwear poking through 😭
Same with wearing tank tops, how do people get the most seamless look ever. Even after buying seamless underwear, the shape no matter what shows through my bodycon dresses. I’ve also tried strapless bras and they just don’t feel supported enough.
I really don’t want to buy expensive garments but any recommendations would appreciate it xx
Original post by Maris499
Hey I’m looking for some advice on how to wear dresses or any clothes in face without bra line & strap & underwear poking through 😭
Same with wearing tank tops, how do people get the most seamless look ever. Even after buying seamless underwear, the shape no matter what shows through my bodycon dresses. I’ve also tried strapless bras and they just don’t feel supported enough.
I really don’t want to buy expensive garments but any recommendations would appreciate it xx

I find seamless thongs are great or you could try wearing some tights with your dresses to conceal the underwear lines
invest in seamless, well-fitting basics. +1 for throngs in general. Look for fabricks and paterns to hide lines. Try different brandz. you might find a winner. Youve got this! 😄👗👙
Original post by Georgiosqwer
invest in seamless, well-fitting basics. +1 for throngs in general. Look for fabricks and paterns to hide lines. Try different brandz. you might find a winner. Youve got this! 😄👗👙

Georgiosqwer makes a good point. Certain fabrics can soften the lines that show up and make them less noticeable, additionally you can buy patterns that follow the lines or distract others from the lines and this can conceal them.

Another point is you can wear something in between your undergarment and bodycon dress to smoothen and remove the seams that come through.
Here I'm wearing a black g-string, and it's pretty discreet, haha!
Reply 5
Thanks guys! Tried out things recently so that’s great! But find it irritating when my bra strap poked out in my body con dresses!! Seem less bras don’t give me enough support 🥲

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