The Student Room Group

How is ARU as a university

Is it a good uni
Hello Nadia, I am an ARU student studying law and I would say it is a really good university. Mainly because of the support ARU offers! At ARU, University is not this daunting and lonely experience at all. Every week the student union runs peer well-being meetings and other events to help you with your mental health. We have academic support called Study Skills where they offer 1:1 or group study sessions. There are also a lot of social events to get into. This is my favourite aspect about ARU, you are never alone they constantly remind you of available support. For example the end of the week I receive an email from my faculty about social events and academic and mental wellbeing support.
Original post by ARUStudents
Hello Nadia, I am an ARU student studying law and I would say it is a really good university. Mainly because of the support ARU offers! At ARU, University is not this daunting and lonely experience at all. Every week the student union runs peer well-being meetings and other events to help you with your mental health. We have academic support called Study Skills where they offer 1:1 or group study sessionI jus. There are also a lot of social events to get into. This is my favourite aspect about ARU, you are never alone they constantly remind you of available support. For example the end of the week I receive an email from my faculty about social events and academic and mental wellbeing support.

I just got an email for wellbeing support rn! hahahah
Original post by nadia najeeb
Is it a good uni

hi nadia,
im an ARU student studying acting and i can say it is a brilliant university. It's very inclusive and has something for everyone with its courses and societies. Also the teachers i have actually care about how i'm doing with the work and support me when needed. You can also have meetings with those teachers if you need that extra push toward the right direction.
Go elsewhere, its one of the lowest ranking 'uni' in the country - Ive never seen any one praise the the place in the workplace, many of the 'grads' are doing minimum wage jobs years after they 'graduated' (seen this myself)
Original post by essex-boy
Go elsewhere, its one of the lowest ranking 'uni' in the country - Ive never seen any one praise the the place in the workplace, many of the 'grads' are doing minimum wage jobs years after they 'graduated' (seen this myself)

Hi there,
Thank you for your comments.
We are proud to have resources in place that help our current students and those who have graduated from ARU to find a job that suits their needs and aspirations. These include our very own on-site recruitment agency ARU Temps and our dedicated Careers and Employability team.
If you’d like to get in contact with our Careers and Employability team, please email: [email protected].
Or to contact ARU Temps, please email: [email protected]
Many thanks,
And you have still failed to find suitable jobs.
Original post by essex-boy
And you have still failed to find suitable jobs.

I do not get your point its a uni with pathways set in place to help grads get a job mind your business and stop putting your opinions on others to answer the asked question you need to make your own mind up the university its located in a nice area but it also depends on the course you want to do it not located that high on some rankings but why does that actually matter get your degree and work hard with the connections the uni gives you someone ik went to that uni and studied medicine works at the same place as many oxbridge grads tbf medicine it doesnt really matter where you go uni but i also know a nursing grad who has started her own business and makes a decent amount and most grads work minimum wage jobs after graduating its called career progression you can also apply to schemes that can give you a boost while in uni like zero gravity /upreach and those can help you so it depends on you and your mindset
most grads work minimum wage jobs after graduating its called career progression - These 'Grads' were working at minimum wages after 7 years that's right 7 YEARS after graduating from ARU it has NOTHING to do with 'career progression' the degrees are worthless on the whole, I have never met any one with a good opinion of the place, and yes, some are grads some with master degrees from ARU.

Theres a famous case where some one sued ARU after taking (In their words) 'mickey mouse degrees' - ARU settled out of court for £50000+ - Its on youtube.
I have seen that and i blame that person not all degrees are mickey mouse the one she chose is shouldve done more research and most unis wouldve settled out of court as a way to remove the bad publicity quickly unis are still a business
ur whole account is made to talk about aru yet u have no solid standing all you say is hearsay
i have heard a lot of grads say good things so i dont care for your opinion honestly if your working a minimum wage job after 7 years thats your problem a degree has nothing to do with that the degree gets you the job its upto you to get higher up seems like these people blame the fact they got a degree from aru to the fact they have amounted to nothing
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have seen that and i blame that person not all degrees are mickey mouse the one she chose is shouldve done more research and most unis wouldve settled out of court as a way to remove the bad publicity quickly unis are still a business
ur whole account is made to talk about aru yet u have no solid standing all you say is hearsay
i have heard a lot of grads say good things so i dont care for your opinion honestly if your working a minimum wage job after 7 years thats your problem a degree has nothing to do with that the degree gets you the job its upto you to get higher up seems like these people blame the fact they got a degree from aru to the fact they have amounted to nothing

say is hearsay - No its not hearsay !!! Its all based on what Ive seen, having been to ARU in Cambridge and Chelmsford over two separate decades - You would have known before making such a silly comment. Oh but you dont...

a degree from aru to the fact they have amounted to nothing - Yes the degree amounted to nothing the place is like a diploma mill.

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