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is ARU a good school cause I applied there and got an unconditional offer but I'm scared they lack great teachers.And will me going to ARU reduce my employability cause of its ranking.
Original post by jojosbizzrd
is ARU a good school cause I applied there and got an unconditional offer but I'm scared they lack great teachers.And will me going to ARU reduce my employability cause of its ranking.


What course have you applied too?

I’m currently a third year student at ARU and my experience there has been great! I’ve personally never had any worries about employment after since starting. However, I know choosing the right university is a difficult choice.

Something that I’ve learnt throughout my studies, is that it really is what you make it. As long as you put the work in, you can do well! Future employers won’t be looking at the teachers that have thought you. They’ll be interested in your results and the transferable skills you’ve acquired through your studies.

ARU offers a wide range of support to its students. You will be able to access one on one sessions with your subject librarian where they can support you with a range of things. For example, they can help with referencing, academic writing at different levels and you can even bring your work to them if you need support.

Although it’s possible we’re studying different courses, I’ve felt all my tutors offer a lot of support. At times when I’ve struggled, my tutors have offered teams meetings with me in their personal time, to ease my worries and answer my questions! We also get tutorial support for all of our assignments. We get feedback on what we’ve already done, which is a great way to improve your work.

If you haven’t already, I’d suggest attending an open day. This would be a great way for you to meet some of tutors that teach your course and current students. It will give you a much better feel for what the university is like. I know I might sound bias as I am a current student but it was the open day at ARU that sealed the deal for me, and I haven’t looked back.

I’m a healthcare student, and the placement I’m on has already said they are hoping I will apply for a job with them when I finish.

Like I said it is what you make it! You sound enthusiastic in ensuring you do well, which is the most important thing no matter where you attend university. ARU is a great place for you to achieve all the things you want!

Good luck making your decision. I hope this has helped in some way 🙂

Sophie (ARU)
I applied for law undergraduate. Your response is quite reassuring.I just get really scared/worried when I hear bad new about a school I really want to go to.Thank you
Original post by jojosbizzrd
is ARU a good school cause I applied there and got an unconditional offer but I'm scared they lack great teachers.And will me going to ARU reduce my employability cause of its ranking.


Congrats on your offer that’s amazing !!

I’m Lily, a second year psychology student at ARU. Personally for me, my teachers and lecturers have been super supportive. They offer such wide support from academic help in the seminars, especially 1 to 1 support in these sessions as well as well-being support, always emphasising that if we need that support to seek it.

I am really enjoying my time, as well as never having issues with my opportunities. ARU are constantly advertising job opportunities, volunteering, which I have been successful in.

Overall, I’ve had such a positive experience and would recommend for anyone.

If there’s any questions please feel free to ask,

ARU Digital Ambassador

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