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imperial computing-gcse concerns

My teacher has told me i have slightly below average gcse results for an imperial applicant(9,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,4).I’m aware that there is a 20:1 chance of getting in but is there any chance of getting in if i smash my alevels.And would me being from a state school and being in a low income family( free school meals) help me in any way in the application
Original post by potentialgcsepro
My teacher has told me i have slightly below average gcse results for an imperial applicant(9,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,4).I’m aware that there is a 20:1 chance of getting in but is there any chance of getting in if i smash my alevels.And would me being from a state school and being in a low income family( free school meals) help me in any way in the application

If you smash your A-Levels then you will have a chance. For computing nearly all the applicants will have 3/4 A*s so getting the same grades will have you considered. Only once you get those grades will they have a look at GCSEs, I’d have thought A-Levels and personal statement are much more important than GCSEs. A good unique personal statement could set you out from the other straight A* candidates. I’m not sure about your last question but there’s possibility of a contextual offer, although I think that’s usually postcode based, and there are bursaries to apply for.
Reply 2
The 20:1 thing is a bit misleading - that's the ratio of applicants to how many people actually end up studying there. Some of the people who received an offer might go to a different uni, or miss their offer. The actual offer rate is probably between 10 and 20%, which still isn't much but it's a lot better than 5%.

If your A-level grades are good enough, and you want to go there, then apply. Either you get in or you don't.
Original post by potentialgcsepro
My teacher has told me i have slightly below average gcse results for an imperial applicant(9,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,4).I’m aware that there is a 20:1 chance of getting in but is there any chance of getting in if i smash my alevels.And would me being from a state school and being in a low income family( free school meals) help me in any way in the application

A state school doesn't mean anything by itself. Have you checked your eligibility for Imperial's contextual admission schemes?
Original post by fortified_shi
If you smash your A-Levels then you will have a chance. For computing nearly all the applicants will have 3/4 A*s so getting the same grades will have you considered. Only once you get those grades will they have a look at GCSEs, I’d have thought A-Levels and personal statement are much more important than GCSEs. A good unique personal statement could set you out from the other straight A* candidates. I’m not sure about your last question but there’s possibility of a contextual offer, although I think that’s usually postcode based, and there are bursaries to apply for.

Sorry for replying this late, but I came across my schools average point score for the EBacc which was 5.4 whereas I got a 7.1 does this mean i over preformed immensely or do all schools have similar results and will this be taken into context if it is significantly above average
Original post by potentialgcsepro
Sorry for replying this late, but I came across my schools average point score for the EBacc which was 5.4 whereas I got a 7.1 does this mean i over preformed immensely or do all schools have similar results and will this be taken into context if it is significantly above average

and since my german grade brang me down from a 7.6 to a 7.1 does this mean that they would care about german evene though it has nothing to do with my course
if you haven't sent your application yet and you meet the Widening Participation scheme (, then for CS you are guaranteed to enter the interview process (pre-interview test and interview if he passes the test). from there (from 2023 FOI stats), 94.7% of Imperial CS applicants who receive an online test (585 applicants last year) pass the online test, have an interview and finally receive an offer (554).

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