Hey!! For inspector calls I think the biggest thing you need is to know Priestley's core values and points he tried to make in the play - make sure you study socialism and capitlaism, and the nature of the time period and try and relate your quotes back to this. You should learn about when the play is written and when it is set, and try and discuss the implications of this. Eg the changing opinions after WW2. You also need to know about the impacts of class and gender at that time. When structuring you essay, try to work chronologically so make sure you have quotes and points for each act of the play. Begin each main paragraph stating your point clearly which should directly relate to the question and then follow with quotations and analysis to back it up. Then you should comment on the wider pictures and Pristleys intentions. If you need help with quote analysis, I suggext using the notes from Physics and Maths Tutor - they are so good! This should hit all aspects of the marks cheme - AO1, AO2 AND AO3. There are 2 options given - character or themes so try and learn at least 3 quotes for each theme and each quote - remember the quotes dont have to be long as long as you can analyse them e.g you could just use the quote "cheap labour" but talk about the youger generations perception on humanity and how they view social issues as well as socialism and empathy. Hope this helps - I know ive worded it a bit badly! Good luck - Im also doing my yr11 mocks soon so i know how stressful it can be! LMK if you have any questions and if it would help to send you one of my marked essays x