The Student Room Group

point to applying to Uni of Manchester physics with alevel retakes ?

I had a rough college experience and now looking back I'm thinking about resitting some alevels or all of them with the end goal to study physics at uni. Specifically asking about the University of Manchester.

Do UoM take resits for both years? This is me redoing alevels independently at home, so it's not just resitting year 12 or 13, it's the whole shebang.

Would the disadvantage of these results being resits be so much and the competition to the course so fierce that there honestly isn't even a point applying?

Only wondering about other peoples experiences or if anyones already emailed about this. Thinking about whether I retake all 3 of my alevels or i would look at taking different specs to take into account the difficulty of covering science alevel practical endorsements when studying at home.

Obvs I'll just email them and ask but was wondering if anyone had more experience with this kinda situation
Ring them up on Monday. You’ll get a response much quicker

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