The Student Room Group

i'm in year 13 but i feel so dumb

hello, this half term i have been very unproductive and i havent had the motivation to do anything, which is annoying because i am in year 13 and i need to up my game. and then i get annoyed at myself at the end of the day for literally doing no work. does anyone have any advice for motivation or to boost productivity? i feel so helpless :frown:
hello, this half term i have been very unproductive and i havent had the motivation to do anything, which is annoying because i am in year 13 and i need to up my game. and then i get annoyed at myself at the end of the day for literally doing no work. does anyone have any advice for motivation or to boost productivity? i feel so helpless :frown:
Honestly same. Year 13 is so overwhemling.
Original post by Anonymous
hello, this half term i have been very unproductive and i havent had the motivation to do anything, which is annoying because i am in year 13 and i need to up my game. and then i get annoyed at myself at the end of the day for literally doing no work. does anyone have any advice for motivation or to boost productivity? i feel so helpless :frown:

its a difficult one really as different people have different motivation but id say doing past papers at the earliest part of the day you can will prevent putting it off until its to late to get anything done that day. the reason i say to do past papers as it allows you to monitor ur progress easily and see it giving you the motivation to do more. the first few you probably wont enjoy but once you see improvement it becomes much less insufferable and demotivating
Original post by libgensym
its a difficult one really as different people have different motivation but id say doing past papers at the earliest part of the day you can will prevent putting it off until its to late to get anything done that day. the reason i say to do past papers as it allows you to monitor ur progress easily and see it giving you the motivation to do more. the first few you probably wont enjoy but once you see improvement it becomes much less insufferable and demotivating

thanks! any other advice?
Original post by yesihatemaths
Honestly same. Year 13 is so overwhemling.

yeah :frown:
Well remove common distractions/things which trigger you to stop working.
Optimise revision strategy (how many minutes per break) no point pretending to do 12 hours a day then failing and losing momentum.

Ultimately focus, motivation & work ethic are personal - you have to make a personal decision of how much do you want to succeed & what are you willing to commit to.
Well remove common distractions/things which trigger you to stop working.
Optimise revision strategy (how many minutes per break) no point pretending to do 12 hours a day then failing and losing momentum.

Ultimately focus, motivation & work ethic are personal - you have to make a personal decision of how much do you want to succeed & what are you willing to commit to.

thank you very much :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
hello, this half term i have been very unproductive and i havent had the motivation to do anything, which is annoying because i am in year 13 and i need to up my game. and then i get annoyed at myself at the end of the day for literally doing no work. does anyone have any advice for motivation or to boost productivity? i feel so helpless :frown:

First, listen, you ARE NOT useless. Times are not always easy but whether you can see it or not, that is where the most progress takes place. Self discipline is important. NO motivation?, give yourself motivation. Wanna boost productivity, work for it, there is no process without work, there is no progress without stamina. Listen to meditation music. You're not sure how to start? Think of your destination and not the road you have to take, don't think of the rocks, think of the smooth terrain. Be positive in EVERY situation, it will change your life. Ask questions, surround yourself with upbringing people. Watch motivation2study and watch study compilations. Then tell yourself you will not be angry, you will be productive today, you will set aside the distractions and go to work, you will surpass the fear of struggle and be willing to struggle before you succeed, you can not stand before you fall, you have to fall before you stand and rise from that, You MUST boost your mentality and you must take progressive steps to live a successful life. Take your time, try your luck on avoiding something small on what you don't need and work your way up to limit insignificant distractions that impede you from living your life right. It starts with you, lift your head and be strong nobody is the same forever, we evolve not shrink. We can't reverse, we can only transverse. The power is within so bring it out and then will you win.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by IntelligentB3ing
First, listen, you ARE NOT useless. Times are not always easy but whether you can see it or not, that is where the most progress takes place. Self discipline is important. NO motivation?, give yourself motivation. Wanna boost productivity, work for it, there is no process without work, there is no progress without stamina. Listen to meditation music. You're not sure how to start? Think of your destination and not the road you have to take, don't think of the rocks, think of the smooth terrain. Be positive in EVERY situation, it will change your life. Ask questions, surround yourself with upbringing people. Watch motivation2study and watch study compilations. Then tell yourself you will not be angry, you will be productive today, you will set aside the distractions and go to work, you will surpass the fear of struggle and be willing to struggle before you succeed, you can not stand before you fall, you have to fall before you stand and rise from that, You MUST boost your mentality and you must take progressive steps to live a successful life. Take your time, try your luck on avoiding something small on what you don't need and work your way up to limit insignificant distractions that impede you from living your life right. It starts with you, lift your head and be strong nobody is the same forever, we evolve not shrink. We can't reverse, we can only transverse. The power is within so bring it out and then will you win.

thank you so so much! this rly helped!
Original post by Anonymous
thank you so so much! this rly helped!

Of course, you may not always be your best but you grow and learn from your experiences to become the best.
Reply 11
if its any consolation, me too bro
Original post by aarcs
if its any consolation, me too bro

Don't worry everything you experience is completely temporary, you will get through it and succeed, you may feel like you're not being seen, but you always are. WE see you, this is life. Life is scary, yes, but not moving forward and not trying is scarier. You got this, do something each day that scares you then will you be able to tackle anything!
Reply 13
Original post by IntelligentB3ing
Don't worry everything you experience is completely temporary, you will get through it and succeed, you may feel like you're not being seen, but you always are. WE see you, this is life. Life is scary, yes, but not moving forward and not trying is scarier. You got this, do something each day that scares you then will you be able to tackle anything!

thx man appreciate it ... all we can do us try a bit harder every day
Original post by Anonymous
hello, this half term i have been very unproductive and i havent had the motivation to do anything, which is annoying because i am in year 13 and i need to up my game. and then i get annoyed at myself at the end of the day for literally doing no work. does anyone have any advice for motivation or to boost productivity? i feel so helpless :frown:

no bc me too, there's just sm going on w uni applications and class essays that it becomes so exhausting after a while. but i guess one way that works for me is forcing myself to go to the library and doing work - it makes me feel productive and I get loads of work done!

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