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Tringineering prep

how are people here preparing for the pre interview exam at trinity? i seem lost... how are you preparing for the the whole interview?

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Original post by adi1212
how are people here preparing for the pre interview exam at trinity? i seem lost... how are you preparing for the the whole interview?

I'm not applying for engineering but if and when I get an offer for my course, I plan to watch ALL of the practice interview videos that the colleges have put out on YouTube. Also, there are several people who have been through what we are going through at the moment so we can just learn about their experiences and try to do as much practice of what they tend to ask (which in my case tends to be Maths questions. Sidenote: I am applying for CS).
Original post by vnayak
I'm not applying for engineering but if and when I get an offer for my course, I plan to watch ALL of the practice interview videos that the colleges have put out on YouTube. Also, there are several people who have been through what we are going through at the moment so we can just learn about their experiences and try to do as much practice of what they tend to ask (which in my case tends to be Maths questions. Sidenote: I am applying for CS).

also a trinity applicant here (completely different subject though): do you guys know of / want to establish a trinity applicants post? would be nice to chat with other people ☺️
LOL got my invite today and am trying to decide how to start prepping. My plan is to try the paper + actually do my maths hw for once haha, if any current students/past applicants are around, any tips/advice?
(edited 1 year ago)
Congratulations on the invite! Still waiting on mine :frown:
Original post by vnayak
Congratulations on the invite! Still waiting on mine :frown:

oh thats odd i thought everyone had heard! did you check for spam maybe? sending you good wishes, i'm sure it's on the way!! :smile:
Original post by spacedout444
oh thats odd i thought everyone had heard! did you check for spam maybe? sending you good wishes, i'm sure it's on the way!! :smile:

Deffo not there....I'm checking like every half hour.
thanks for the wishes 🤞
Original post by vnayak
thanks for the wishes 🤞

Just got rejected from Gonville and Caius for CS....I knew it was coming after that admissions test tbh. ☹️
Original post by vnayak
Just got rejected from Gonville and Caius for CS....I knew it was coming after that admissions test tbh. ☹️

so sorry to hear that CS is ruthless this year - honestly not seen many interview invites at all this year :frown:
Original post by spacedout444
so sorry to hear that CS is ruthless this year - honestly not seen many interview invites at all this year :frown:

Yeah it's really brutal. I think it's got to do with the fact that I had a poor TMUA performance in addition to there being several strong international applicants for CS at the college I applied to ☹️ so things just didn't work in my favour. I deduced my college based on lowest mean TMUA score for offer holders out of all of the Cambridge colleges, aesthetic of the college when I went to visit on Open Day (I only visited the ones that were in the town centre) and then the admissions statistics on the website. Caius ticked all of these boxes for me but unfortunately, it seems I'm not a good enough fit for Cambridge.
Original post by vnayak
Yeah it's really brutal. I think it's got to do with the fact that I had a poor TMUA performance in addition to there being several strong international applicants for CS at the college I applied to ☹️ so things just didn't work in my favour. I deduced my college based on lowest mean TMUA score for offer holders out of all of the Cambridge colleges, aesthetic of the college when I went to visit on Open Day (I only visited the ones that were in the town centre) and then the admissions statistics on the website. Caius ticked all of these boxes for me but unfortunately, it seems I'm not a good enough fit for Cambridge.

Caius seems popular this year too it was my other choice but my predictions are too weak so i applied to trin which i believe puts more emphasis on engaa
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by spacedout444
Caius seems popular this year too it was my other choice but my predictions are too weak so i applied to trin which i believe puts more emphasis on engaa

I was going to apply to Trinity but I heard stories that it was meritocratic (at least in the CS and Economics areas) and I didn't want to be in such an environment.
Busy helping my son prepare for his Trinity Eng interview early next week. Do you know whether calculators are permitted (basic/scientific/graphing) for the Preparation Paper?
Original post by real_person
Busy helping my son prepare for his Trinity Eng interview early next week. Do you know whether calculators are permitted (basic/scientific/graphing) for the Preparation Paper?

I don't think so as far as I am aware. There are lots of different specifications of calculator with a whole range of different functions and I think in order to level the playing field, they don't allow any calculators. This is because there could be some applicants who have spent £100+ on the Casio CG50 Graphics Calculator and other individuals who don't have it because they can't afford it or for other reasons. However, since the Trinity interview is in person, one would assume that either calculators aren't permitted full stop or they will provide a calculator for you, if it is required. It wouldn't hurt to take one with you to Cambridge.

Might I also recommend that you contact the admissions office at your chosen college (Trinity in this case) to see whether calculators are required.

Congratulations on the interview invite and wish your son the best of luck from me!
That's my suspicion too.
Incidentally although the CG50 is expensive, it really helps at GCSE further maths and A level ;-)
Original post by real_person
That's my suspicion too.
Incidentally although the CG50 is expensive, it really helps at GCSE further maths and A level ;-)

Oh I completely agree...I'm atrocious at graph drawing stuff. But at this level, they don't allow you to use that calculator. My friend's sister got into Economics at Warwick and she isn't allowed to use the CG50 calculator during the course so she just gave it to my friend.

Given that pure Economics is quite Mathsy, one would assume the same for all of the other Maths related disciplines so I don't think they will allow calculators for this reason.

We haven't had anyone hear back yet for Engineering at my school for Cambridge (though there are 4 people applying to 4 different colleges) - only Economics and Computer Science so far.

I got my rejection on Wednesday for CS at Caius and so did someone else for Economics at Trinity. On Friday, we got one person with an interview invite for Economics at Clare but nothing else on the Cambridge front.
Original post by adi1212
how are people here preparing for the pre interview exam at trinity? i seem lost... how are you preparing for the the whole interview?

Im applying chem eng and have no clue?? So little advice for it... is the pre interview exam just for general engineering i guess?
Original post by vnayak
Oh I completely agree...I'm atrocious at graph drawing stuff. But at this level, they don't allow you to use that calculator. My friend's sister got into Economics at Warwick and she isn't allowed to use the CG50 calculator during the course so she just gave it to my friend.

Given that pure Economics is quite Mathsy, one would assume the same for all of the other Maths related disciplines so I don't think they will allow calculators for this reason.

We haven't had anyone hear back yet for Engineering at my school for Cambridge (though there are 4 people applying to 4 different colleges) - only Economics and Computer Science so far.

I got my rejection on Wednesday for CS at Caius and so did someone else for Economics at Trinity. On Friday, we got one person with an interview invite for Economics at Clare but nothing else on the Cambridge front.

I am sorry that you didn't get an interview.
Just to close off the question about use of calculators: for the Trinity Engineering preparation paper they give you one to use.

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