The Student Room Group

Cambridge Design 2024 offer-holders

Hey guys! Congratulations on the offer!

As this is a new/ unique course I think it would be nice if we could all get to know our areas of interest/ motivations for choosing this course. We are the first set of students for it after all.

What A Levels do you do?
Which route are you considering taking from the degree?
Do you have an art background?

Volunteer note: Please note that sharing or requesting social media handles or group chats is not permitted under the TSR community guidelines.
(edited 1 year ago)

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I do Physics, Maths, Further Maths (AS) and DT. I am currently interested in either the engineering or materials route, and mostly have a STEM background with art as a hobby I'm quite passionate about. I can't wait to expand on my artistic knowledge + develop my technical skills in the future, and both seem pretty well balanced in this degree.
Original post by mpolas144
How did I not see this thread sooner? Well done to you too! :smile:

To answer your questons:


I take Maths, Further Maths, Physics and DT, so basically the exact same A-Levels as you.


I'm considering an engineering/product design route rather than an architectural route - I'm not entirely sure though, I intend to fully figure it out as I progress through the course.


I've always been most artisitc through my hobbies. I enjoy sketching, 3D modelling, CAD, rendering and modelmaking. I didn't enjoy art a subect that much at GCSE - mostly because it didn't allow for any niche creativity.

From the sound of it, you and I are quite similar, so I look forward to seeing you there in October!

What are your offer grades by the way? Mine were A*/A/A, with those grades in Maths, Physics and DT respectively. I have to 'pass' Further Maths, which just means getting a grade... even if it's an E!

Mine were also A*, A, A in any of my 3 A levels. Since further maths is an AS level it wasn't part of my offer. It's cool how they don't consider further maths even for you, when its a full A level! :smile:

Overall I'd say they were pretty reasonable offers considering how crazy some can get. One A* seems pretty decent.
Hey guys,


Maths, French, Art, Physics


Exactly as you two but maybe could consider going into consulting or IB lol


I’ve always been passionate about art, particularly in the 3D aspect like origami and sculpture. I would it really took off after GCSEs as I was made an art scholar at my school.



Maths, Chemistry, Physics, DT (they gave me a 4 A-level offer of A*AAA)


I feel like my area of interest falls under design engineering, so like, designing and making things to help people or (for SDGs, which aligns with the course info page).


My art background ended after GCSEs. I dont paint or draw for self-expresison anymore but I'll often need to sketch stuff for DT, if that makes sense... Art for me has recently been more design related stuff.

Hey! I got in for murray Edwards

1. Math, Further Math, Physics, Economics
2. Leaning towards architecture but I really do enjoy engineering.
3. Don't really have an art background except I did gcse art haha

Has anyone heard about accreditation for this course?
Reply 6
Original post by mpolas144
How did I not see this thread sooner? Well done to you too! :smile:
To answer your questons:


I take Maths, Further Maths, Physics and DT, so basically the exact same A-Levels as you.


I'm considering an engineering/product design route rather than an architectural route - I'm not entirely sure though, I intend to fully figure it out as I progress through the course.


I've always been most artisitc through my hobbies. I enjoy sketching, 3D modelling, CAD, rendering and modelmaking. I didn't enjoy art a subect that much at GCSE - mostly because it didn't allow for any niche creativity.

From the sound of it, you and I are quite similar, so I look forward to seeing you there in October!
What are your offer grades by the way? Mine were A*/A/A, with those grades in Maths, Physics and DT respectively. I have to 'pass' Further Maths, which just means getting a grade... even if it's an E!

Please help me with getting into this dreamy course - my a levels are maths, biology, computer science and english literature. I also really want to apply for design engineering at imperial but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to apply for design at cambridge and architecture everywhere else?
Reply 7
Original post by kjhgbhn
Hey guys,


Maths, French, Art, Physics


Exactly as you two but maybe could consider going into consulting or IB lol


I’ve always been passionate about art, particularly in the 3D aspect like origami and sculpture. I would it really took off after GCSEs as I was made an art scholar at my school.

Please help me with getting into this dreamy course - my a levels are maths, biology, computer science and english literature. I also really want to apply for design engineering at imperial but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to apply for design at cambridge and architecture everywhere else?
Reply 8
Original post by dcvbhuyhn


Maths, Chemistry, Physics, DT (they gave me a 4 A-level offer of A*AAA)


I feel like my area of interest falls under design engineering, so like, designing and making things to help people or (for SDGs, which aligns with the course info page).


My art background ended after GCSEs. I dont paint or draw for self-expresison anymore but I'll often need to sketch stuff for DT, if that makes sense... Art for me has recently been more design related stuff.

Please help me with getting into this dreamy course - my a levels are maths, biology, computer science and english literature. I also really want to apply for design engineering at imperial but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to apply for design at cambridge and architecture everywhere else?
Reply 9
Original post by Sarah112358*
Hey! I got in for murray Edwards
1. Math, Further Math, Physics, Economics
2. Leaning towards architecture but I really do enjoy engineering.
3. Don't really have an art background except I did gcse art haha
Has anyone heard about accreditation for this course?
Please help me with getting into this dreamy course - my a levels are maths, biology, computer science and english literature. I also really want to apply for design engineering at imperial but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to apply for design at cambridge and architecture everywhere else?
@jellbell It's best to tag other members rather than post the same question many times. :smile:
Reply 11
Original post by normaw
@jellbell It's best to tag other members rather than post the same question many times. :smile:

Reply 12
Original post by normaw
@jellbell It's best to tag other members rather than post the same question many times. :smile: least it got me a new badge!
Original post by jellbell
Please help me with getting into this dreamy course - my a levels are maths, biology, computer science and english literature. I also really want to apply for design engineering at imperial but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to apply for design at cambridge and architecture everywhere else?


No, you absolutely do not need to apply for architecture everywhere else, for reference, I applied to:

Design - ( Cambridge )
Design Engineering - ( Imperial )
Engineering and Architectural Design - ( UCL )
Integrated Design Engineering - ( Bath )
Product Design - ( Edinburgh )

I used what was esentially the same portfolio for all of my applications, just removing or adding in some bits depending on how many slides each uni wanted to see. I had a bit of everything on a powerpoint, product design and sustainability stuff for Imperial, Architecture and more fine art based stuff for UCL, and a mix of both for Cambridge.

One thing I think you should consider is what you're writing about on your personal statement, because these courses seem to be focusing on slightly different things.

Seeing that you plan to apply to both Cambridge and Imperial, you should decide which one you prefer because its really risky to choose both when responding to your offers as they might send out very similar grade requirements. (people might say you should obviously go Cambridge but I was initially just focused on design engineering at Imperial, and the course still looks really really interesting ).

On top of this, since this is the first year the Cambridge course is running, you can make you decision after asking people about how they like the course.
Reply 14
Original post by Anonymous
No, you absolutely do not need to apply for architecture everywhere else, for reference, I applied to:
Design - ( Cambridge )
Design Engineering - ( Imperial )
Engineering and Architectural Design - ( UCL )
Integrated Design Engineering - ( Bath )
Product Design - ( Edinburgh )
I used what was esentially the same portfolio for all of my applications, just removing or adding in some bits depending on how many slides each uni wanted to see. I had a bit of everything on a powerpoint, product design and sustainability stuff for Imperial, Architecture and more fine art based stuff for UCL, and a mix of both for Cambridge.
One thing I think you should consider is what you're writing about on your personal statement, because these courses seem to be focusing on slightly different things.
Seeing that you plan to apply to both Cambridge and Imperial, you should decide which one you prefer because its really risky to choose both when responding to your offers as they might send out very similar grade requirements. (people might say you should obviously go Cambridge but I was initially just focused on design engineering at Imperial, and the course still looks really really interesting ).
On top of this, since this is the first year the Cambridge course is running, you can make you decision after asking people about how they like the course.

Thank you so much! I’m curious as to how you balanced out your personal statement for architectural engineering and design engineering..may I also know your offers, if you’re comfortable? I understand that imperial des eng looks for human centred design and as I’m building an app that translates BSL, I’m wondering if I should shift my coding projects to more sustainable and environment projects to propel me with Cambridge but then also how the flip to include things for architectural engineering??
Original post by jellbell
Thank you so much! I’m curious as to how you balanced out your personal statement for architectural engineering and design engineering..may I also know your offers, if you’re comfortable? I understand that imperial des eng looks for human centred design and as I’m building an app that translates BSL, I’m wondering if I should shift my coding projects to more sustainable and environment projects to propel me with Cambridge but then also how the flip to include things for architectural engineering??

I was very fortunate and grateful to have gotten offers from all five courses I applied to, but i'm still feeling overwhelingly underprepared for my A-levels. ( I spent a lot of time on US applications and kind of fell off after submitting UCAS )

When I was researching Imperial Design Engineering portfolios and what content and how much of what I should put in, I found out that many of the students focused on one type of thing ( which I didn't - maybe that helped with applying for different things? im not too sure ). You can contact curernt students off from their websites, and see what the departments were looking for in the most recent application cycles. Although I'm not a department representative, from what I've gaterherd, the design engineering course at Imperial looks for a whole mix of people, but you need to be "very very creative". Doesn't matter what type of creative, whether you really like painting, acting, or poetry, DesEng wants to look for people who can come up with really goofy ideas ( goofy in a good way ).

In regards to how I did my PS, I focused on what I enjoyed, the idea of good design, engineering, and sustainability. (which fortunately, match up with my choices). There's always a reason why you made your specific list of 5 courses, so I would target that reason instead. Also, take a look at the course breakdown from the uni course description, what do you find the most interesting? And if there's nothing that interests you from a specific course, then you might need to think about whether that course is for you, something you'll want to commit 3-4 years to.

Final thing on the portfolio, it might just be me, but I dont like the idea of putting text on my slides. Or at least I try to keep text at a minimum. Again, I have no idea how good or bad they thought my portfolio was, but I would focus on making my slides look visually interesting. ( the layout should feel intuitive and natural to follow ).

You can take a look at these for inspiration if you need some:
Original post by mpolas144
Have you heard from Bath yet? They are taking their sweet time fr 💀

Brudda 😭

i got it early December...
Reply 17
Original post by mpolas144
Have you heard from Bath yet? They are taking their sweet time fr 💀

Broski i got it in November lol
Reply 18
Original post by anonymous
i was very fortunate and grateful to have gotten offers from all five courses i applied to, but i'm still feeling overwhelingly underprepared for my a-levels. ( i spent a lot of time on us applications and kind of fell off after submitting ucas )
when i was researching imperial design engineering portfolios and what content and how much of what i should put in, i found out that many of the students focused on one type of thing ( which i didn't - maybe that helped with applying for different things? Im not too sure ). You can contact curernt students off from their websites, and see what the departments were looking for in the most recent application cycles. Although i'm not a department representative, from what i've gaterherd, the design engineering course at imperial looks for a whole mix of people, but you need to be "very very creative". Doesn't matter what type of creative, whether you really like painting, acting, or poetry, deseng wants to look for people who can come up with really goofy ideas ( goofy in a good way ).
In regards to how i did my ps, i focused on what i enjoyed, the idea of good design, engineering, and sustainability. (which fortunately, match up with my choices). There's always a reason why you made your specific list of 5 courses, so i would target that reason instead. Also, take a look at the course breakdown from the uni course description, what do you find the most interesting? And if there's nothing that interests you from a specific course, then you might need to think about whether that course is for you, something you'll want to commit 3-4 years to.
Final thing on the portfolio, it might just be me, but i dont like the idea of putting text on my slides. Or at least i try to keep text at a minimum. Again, i have no idea how good or bad they thought my portfolio was, but i would focus on making my slides look visually interesting. ( the layout should feel intuitive and natural to follow ).
You can take a look at these for inspiration if you need some:

i loveyouuuuhjuhuuuu8uuu
Reply 19
Original post by Anonymous
I was very fortunate and grateful to have gotten offers from all five courses I applied to, but i'm still feeling overwhelingly underprepared for my A-levels. ( I spent a lot of time on US applications and kind of fell off after submitting UCAS )
When I was researching Imperial Design Engineering portfolios and what content and how much of what I should put in, I found out that many of the students focused on one type of thing ( which I didn't - maybe that helped with applying for different things? im not too sure ). You can contact curernt students off from their websites, and see what the departments were looking for in the most recent application cycles. Although I'm not a department representative, from what I've gaterherd, the design engineering course at Imperial looks for a whole mix of people, but you need to be "very very creative". Doesn't matter what type of creative, whether you really like painting, acting, or poetry, DesEng wants to look for people who can come up with really goofy ideas ( goofy in a good way ).
In regards to how I did my PS, I focused on what I enjoyed, the idea of good design, engineering, and sustainability. (which fortunately, match up with my choices). There's always a reason why you made your specific list of 5 courses, so I would target that reason instead. Also, take a look at the course breakdown from the uni course description, what do you find the most interesting? And if there's nothing that interests you from a specific course, then you might need to think about whether that course is for you, something you'll want to commit 3-4 years to.
Final thing on the portfolio, it might just be me, but I dont like the idea of putting text on my slides. Or at least I try to keep text at a minimum. Again, I have no idea how good or bad they thought my portfolio was, but I would focus on making my slides look visually interesting. ( the layout should feel intuitive and natural to follow ).
You can take a look at these for inspiration if you need some:

I genuinely hope whatever power you look up to blesses you and your US applications. Would you be ok with sending me your personal statement/major points you included in your ps to gain a clean sweep as teachers at my school don’t believe you can apply to different courses successfully? Thank you once again!

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