The Student Room Group

Cambridge August Reconsideration Pool 2024

A space for any student who has been told they meet adjustment criteria at Cambridge after a unsuccessful initial application to discuss the August reconsideration pool (sometimes know as Adjustment). :heart:

You should have been told if you are eligible for the reconsideration pool, but you can check the criteria here.

The list of courses in the Reconsideration Pool will be published here from 08:30 on Thursday 15th August.
(edited 1 month ago)

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Hi! Just wondering… If I don’t get told that I am eligible for the AR Pool by my college, does it mean that I am not? Is it worth applying in August if I know I meet those WP factors?
What are my chances of being accepted through the ARP, if I was not put in the winter pool?
(for medicine)
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi! Just wondering… If I don’t get told that I am eligible for the AR Pool by my college, does it mean that I am not? Is it worth applying in August if I know I meet those WP factors?

Apply to your college now for that revision of your case not August.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #2
What are my chances of being accepted through the ARP, if I was not put in the winter pool?
(for medicine)

It has definitely happened before.But please pursue your other offers for now.Its a punt not a sure thing.
Original post by Anonymous
What are my chances of being accepted through the ARP, if I was not put in the winter pool?
(for medicine)

Afaik your chances of success in the August reconsideration pool are not linked to whether you've been pooled in the winter
Original post by Saracen's Fez
Afaik your chances of success in the August reconsideration pool are not linked to whether you've been pooled in the winter

I think how you scored in original interview does play a part
"If you’re eligible, your application will be considered by the Cambridge Colleges alongside the other applications that we receive. As it will be a competitive process, your final grades and your performance in the original application process will be important"
So if you got pooled originally you probably had a better score than someone who didn't. This may give you a higher chance of being picked up. Will also depend on final grades but if those things are equal your original interview score may make a difference.
Btw - anyone applying who isn't on the reconsideration list will
Be rejected as criteria to be on same is quite strict as it's for WP (widening participation) candidates only, if not on list you'd need to reapply through normal process next year.
Original post by Anonymous
I think how you scored in original interview does play a part
"If you’re eligible, your application will be considered by the Cambridge Colleges alongside the other applications that we receive. As it will be a competitive process, your final grades and your performance in the original application process will be important"
So if you got pooled originally you probably had a better score than someone who didn't. This may give you a higher chance of being picked up. Will also depend on final grades but if those things are equal your original interview score may make a difference.
Btw - anyone applying who isn't on the reconsideration list will
Be rejected as criteria to be on same is quite strict as it's for WP (widening participation) candidates only, if not on list you'd need to reapply through normal process next year.

Yes, this is almost certainly true given the criteria this year look reasonably broad I could imagine quite a lot of applicants becoming eligible for the pool, and afaik everyone who meets the criteria should be invited to apply through it. That means that, not to put too fine a point on it, putting aside the limitation of places based on who's missed their offers, there may be some people who they don't necessarily want to admit despite them getting the grades, based on interview performance or whatever.
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous #3
I think how you scored in original interview does play a part
"If you’re eligible, your application will be considered by the Cambridge Colleges alongside the other applications that we receive. As it will be a competitive process, your final grades and your performance in the original application process will be important"
So if you got pooled originally you probably had a better score than someone who didn't. This may give you a higher chance of being picked up. Will also depend on final grades but if those things are equal your original interview score may make a difference.
Btw - anyone applying who isn't on the reconsideration list will
Be rejected as criteria to be on same is quite strict as it's for WP (widening participation) candidates only, if not on list you'd need to reapply through normal process next year.

However if anyone thinks they have been missed off the list please contact your college outlining what criteria applies to you from the criteria in link above.
Reply 9
For Law candidates eligible for the summer pool:
According to Cambridge's Application Statistics website, the following colleges made summer pool offers (Law) in 2023

Homerton (1), Jesus (1), King's (3), Magdalene (1), Murray Edwards (1), Trinity (5)

Reply 10
Original post by wien,wien
For Law candidates eligible for the summer pool:
According to Cambridge's Application Statistics website, the following colleges made summer pool offers (Law) in 2023

Homerton (1), Jesus (1), King's (3), Magdalene (1), Murray Edwards (1), Trinity (5)


And in 2022,
Girton (2), Caius (2), Jesus (1), Peterhouse (2), Robinson (1), Trinity (2)

theres hope! 🙂
Original post by wien,wien
For Law candidates eligible for the summer pool:
According to Cambridge's Application Statistics website, the following colleges made summer pool offers (Law) in 2023

Homerton (1), Jesus (1), King's (3), Magdalene (1), Murray Edwards (1), Trinity (5)


Is the summer pool now the same as the August reconsideration? I was thinking the summer pool was for people with offers who missed the grades and then the August pool was those who didn’t get offers but have the grades and circumstances. Is it now just one thing altogether?
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous #4
Is the summer pool now the same as the August reconsideration? I was thinking the summer pool was for people with offers who missed the grades and then the August pool was those who didn’t get offers but have the grades and circumstances. Is it now just one thing altogether?

it would seem so
Original post by Anonymous
Is the summer pool now the same as the August reconsideration? I was thinking the summer pool was for people with offers who missed the grades and then the August pool was those who didn’t get offers but have the grades and circumstances. Is it now just one thing altogether?

Yes, my understanding (seemingly supported by that webpage) is that it's one actual pool of people in the summer, containing both near-misses (who were offer-holders and narrowly missed their offer, their college hasn't accepted them but has put them forward for consideration by any other college) and people applying for August reconsideration.
(edited 7 months ago)
Has anyone else been invited to apply for the August reconsideration pool but have absolutely no idea why. I’m pretty sure I don’t meet any of the criteria, and I’ve double checked my ucas is correct. Bit confused, and don’t really want to apply for the pool in August only for them to turn around and say that im actually not eligible?? idk
Original post by Anonymous #4
Has anyone else been invited to apply for the August reconsideration pool but have absolutely no idea why. I’m pretty sure I don’t meet any of the criteria, and I’ve double checked my ucas is correct. Bit confused, and don’t really want to apply for the pool in August only for them to turn around and say that im actually not eligible?? idk

I was surprised I'm eligible but I think they're quite thorough in their checking and will double-check eg ask for proof of free school meals by June etc.
My view is I'll firm and insure other offers but if in august I get the grades and if my course in Cambridge is in summer school why not give it a try?
It's unlikely I'll get picked up but trying won't impact my firm and insurance so why not. They make their summer pool choices in a matter of days so it's a long shot but if I have a ticket to summer pool I may as well use it.
I was wondering how they gain all the info for WP criteria. My son has been offered to apply for August reconsideration for Land Economy, after being pooled - it states they believe he fits the criteria due to fsm eligibility. However he doesn't currently receive fsm and hasn't since primary school.

Weselected 'don't know' on his Ucas application as the school provided him with text books that others had to pay for due to his pupil premium.

I'm wondering if his school would have submitted the info regarding his criteria, or whether us selecting don't know for fsm will be why its been detected. As it says proof would need to be submitted, and I wouldn't have any proof he's in receipt as he currently isn't.

Any advice gratefully received.
Part of me dislikes being made aware of the august pool because it sort of just feels like another slither of false hope to keep in the back of my mind. Anyone else feel this way?
Reply 18
Original post by transient-jockey
I was wondering how they gain all the info for WP criteria. My son has been offered to apply for August reconsideration for Land Economy, after being pooled - it states they believe he fits the criteria due to fsm eligibility. However he doesn't currently receive fsm and hasn't since primary school.

Weselected 'don't know' on his Ucas application as the school provided him with text books that others had to pay for due to his pupil premium.

I'm wondering if his school would have submitted the info regarding his criteria, or whether us selecting don't know for fsm will be why its been detected. As it says proof would need to be submitted, and I wouldn't have any proof he's in receipt as he currently isn't.

Any advice gratefully received.

Maybe you could ask his school if he is eligible even if he isn't claiming them.Might be simplest route as you know he is getting help with text books from them already and they will be the ones providing you with the evidence.If you get an answer I would be grateful if you could let me know as it will be useful for others in his position.
Original post by Scotney
Maybe you could ask his school if he is eligible even if he isn't claiming them.Might be simplest route as you know he is getting help with text books from them already and they will be the ones providing you with the evidence.If you get an answer I would be grateful if you could let me know as it will be useful for others in his position.

Thanks - Will do!

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