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Talking to someone about mental health

I've had quite bad anxiety since I came to uni, I've always been quite an anxious person but in the past year or so it's got way worse, particularly anxiety about my health, like thinking I'm dying of cancer or something and anxiety about my body/thinking I'm fat when I know really that I'm a healthy weight. I've been drinking quite a lot to help manage the anxiety but recently it's not been working as well.

Idk if I should see someone about my mental health. If I did I don't know how I'd explain myself and the way I feel without coming across as just a stuck up kid or a complainer who's never experienced real hardship. I'm quite quiet so I'm nervous about opening up to someone in that way, especially when I might just be sent away as a time waster. I also don't really know who to speak to as uni's counsellor costs money which I can't afford and I'm not registered with a GP in the city I'm at uni so I don't think I'd get an appointment before I go home
That sounds pretty tough then, especially with the uni's counsellor costing money...I do recommend trying to discuss your mental health with possibly your personal tutor?, do mention on the uni's counsellor costing money and you're not sure how to reach held elsewhere. You can bring it to them as an email, I occasionally schedule mine if I'm too anxious to see their replies right in the moment, or you can bring it in as a note.
Example of what you could write to them: Hello, I've been struggling with feeling anxious and unfortunately this is only getting worse overtime, I'm not sure what to do as I'm unable to afford the uni's counsellor. I'm afraid this may further disrupt my university work too and health. I would appreciate for any help with this.

You can discuss this instead with your teachers if you like as I'm unsure how directly involved the personal tutor is with its students so it's perfectly fine if you prefer to tell your teachers.

Bring a note if you decide to wait to come back home to do it at your home GP, where you explain all struggles, how it interferes with your schoolwork possibly and how it may be getting worse. However you're clearly concerned with your mental state now and I think it's best to act before anything could trigger it to make it worse so might be better to discuss with teachers. Hope you get this sorted, wish the best for you!
Original post by Anonymous
I've had quite bad anxiety since I came to uni, I've always been quite an anxious person but in the past year or so it's got way worse, particularly anxiety about my health, like thinking I'm dying of cancer or something and anxiety about my body/thinking I'm fat when I know really that I'm a healthy weight. I've been drinking quite a lot to help manage the anxiety but recently it's not been working as well.

Idk if I should see someone about my mental health. If I did I don't know how I'd explain myself and the way I feel without coming across as just a stuck up kid or a complainer who's never experienced real hardship. I'm quite quiet so I'm nervous about opening up to someone in that way, especially when I might just be sent away as a time waster. I also don't really know who to speak to as uni's counsellor costs money which I can't afford and I'm not registered with a GP in the city I'm at uni so I don't think I'd get an appointment before I go home

Can you not apply for DSA?
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous
I've had quite bad anxiety since I came to uni, I've always been quite an anxious person but in the past year or so it's got way worse, particularly anxiety about my health, like thinking I'm dying of cancer or something and anxiety about my body/thinking I'm fat when I know really that I'm a healthy weight. I've been drinking quite a lot to help manage the anxiety but recently it's not been working as well.

Idk if I should see someone about my mental health. If I did I don't know how I'd explain myself and the way I feel without coming across as just a stuck up kid or a complainer who's never experienced real hardship. I'm quite quiet so I'm nervous about opening up to someone in that way, especially when I might just be sent away as a time waster. I also don't really know who to speak to as uni's counsellor costs money which I can't afford and I'm not registered with a GP in the city I'm at uni so I don't think I'd get an appointment before I go home

Sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. My first suggestion would be to register with a GP local to your university. That way, you could speak to them about your mental health and possibly seek a referral to a local mental health service. The types of things you have described are quite common anxiety problems that many people struggle with sometimes, so you don't need to worry about how you will come across - if you speak to a GP or therapist, they will have come across people with similar problems to you, and will not judge you for them. Talking therapy could be helpful for dealing with the problems you've described, and you can self-refer to some services, depending on where you live, or ask a GP for a referral. Either way, you will need to be registered with a GP local to the service you wish to be referred to.

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