so basically I am doing 3 years in sixth form because I switched two of my subjects to Sociology and politics, but my other subject which is religious studies, I decided to not switch it therefore I had to sit the exam as I normally would’ve done if I did my A levels in 2 years. The problem is I sat my RS A level this year, and I got a grade which I’m not happy with, so I want to retake it and sit it with my a levels that I haven’t sat yet. I saw on the AQA website you cant do this though because if I were to retake RS I’d have to pay and that makes me a private candidate? Im not too sure but could someone please explain if I could resit it or not, I’m still enrolled in my college, but there was an email from my HOY which stated that if you retake your a levels you have to pay and enter as a private candidate. Also the reason why I’m asking TSR and not my teacher is because my religious studies teacher hates my guts and I’m dreading asking her about it, she really scares me.