The Student Room Group

Trinity Hall maths interview advice

Hello, I have applied for maths at Trinity Hall and have my interview in a couple days time. I was wondering who has been interviewed this year/previous years could share their experience with me, as although I have been preparing for about a month now, I am worried that I need to improve on a few points, so knowing some pointers that come from experience would be great. I also wanted to ask about mechanics/stats questions. I know they are possible and I think I might have one as one of my interviewers works in DAMPT, so I was wondering if this is just AS/A level maths, or maths plus FM and physics (As I do all three with mechanics in further). Any advice is greatly appreciated! (Sorry if this is worded badly I am still freaking out over it)
Hi, I am applying to maths at Trinity hall this year as well. How did your interviews go? I feel I have done too little questions, like two questions per interview(30 mins) only. The interviews didn't ask me any mechanics/stats questions.

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