The Student Room Group

OSCE advice

Hello, I'm a first-year mental health nursing student, and ill be having my OSCE on the 16th of January to be honest I'm not prepared one bit. I'm so scared ill fail. I'm timid. I'll be having an OSCE boot camp to help us get prepared and I was wondering if anyone has been in the same position as me or has failed.
Hi there,

I studied adult nursing at a different university whilst in my early 20’s and had to do an OSCE. I was so nervous I had a panic attack and had to leave the OSCE. I was given a second chance the week after, and staff are understanding that you’re only in your first year and therefore will be nervous, make mistakes and will be shy.

Now I’m in my 30’s and at a different university studying nursing and I’m still nervous about OSCE’s, but I find that speaking to groups is what makes me nervous, so I practice at home or get on Teams/Zoom with friends and get them to listen

Watch some OSCE videos online, attend your boot camp and practice with family/friends/housemates

Good luck

LJMU Student Nurse and Ambassador
Original post by mylifeasci
Hello, I'm a first-year mental health nursing student, and ill be having my OSCE on the 16th of January to be honest I'm not prepared one bit. I'm so scared ill fail. I'm timid. I'll be having an OSCE boot camp to help us get prepared and I was wondering if anyone has been in the same position as me or has failed.

OSCEs arnt as scary when your doing it than you think before hand. Thats what myself and my mates thought anyway.
I was put at ease by my assessors and found the conversation felt more normal than awkward.
Just read up, and take notes of what they are looking for and you will pick up so many marks.
You got this

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