the title was a bit vague but this is what I mean:
I either want to do economics or modern languages (French and German, maybe with beginners Chinese, I sort of want to become fluent in 10 or more languages) but I don't know if its worth doing a languages degree at Cambridge just for the sake of going to Cambridge or if I should try to get into economics which has a lower acceptance rate. I think I might marginally like an Econ degree more and I want to go into finance, but everyone keeps saying to me "employers don't care what degree you do, do what you love" and I feel like I could enjoy economics slightly more but I don't know
economics - higher pay, better for finance, I am interested I'm just worried it would be soooo boring, low acceptance rate, I like the political and social aspects of it as well as economic history and macroeconomics, but I don't like microeconomics. I am good at maths, I got a 9 at GCSE maths and now do a level maths and further maths and am predicted As in AS (I also do French and economics and am predicted As for the end of year 12 too) so I'm alright with maths but I don't just want to do a highly mathematical degree for my whole time at un I and I probably wouldn't get in
modern languages - would love to be able to speak around 10 languages to at least a B2 level equivalent I know it sounds stupid but yeah, higher acceptance rate, I'm from a state school in a region where not many people progress too higher education so I think I could defo get in to MML at Cambridge, but MML doesn't opay as well
overall this comes down to 2/3 things: should I pick a course which is easier to get into for the sake of saying 'I go to Cambridge' and do something which the majority of the world does anyway (speak multiple languages) or should I pick a course which pays better? I like both and would be all with either but I think an mml degree could be more fun but I think I'm more interested in economics slightly, but again I'm worried I would get bored and not get in but it has higher pay