The Student Room Group

Why do some essay A Levels have questions that score more marks (max) than others?

e.g: At most, a single history Q scores up to 40 marks, whereas a single geography Q only scores 20 at most. I can understand needing to write more detailed essays, for say, literature. But I'm curious as to why various social science subjects (perhaps excluding econ) assign different (max) marks.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 1
As someone who does three very different essay subjects, exam boards are not your friends especially OCR in my opinion. The reason for the different marks really depends on what they want and which exam board they are and this also changes based on the subject. Sometimes I will end up writing the same amount for a history essay worth 30m as with a drama essay worth 20. It's very subjective and my advice is look at lots of exemplar answers and practise essay plans and essays to help you understand how much you need to write.

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