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Self-doubting myself for Oxford

Last week, I got accepted to study engineering at Oxford, and I was really happy about it. However, today I got an email from my college telling me my PAT score. I did really bad—I wasn't expecting a score more than 20 marks below what most people who got an offer got and 10 below the overall average. I don't get why I even got an interview, let alone an offer. Now, I'm feeling like I don't deserve it because my score is way below what's normal for Oxford students. It's making me feel kind of down, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle the course if I were to go.
Try to keep your head up!! One of the most prestigious universities in the world have decided that you have potential and want to help you flourish. I can understand the imposted syndrome you're feeling so try to remember that you wouldn't have been accepted if they didn't think you were right for them. Hope this helps!! :biggrin:
Original post by Esesyes
Last week, I got accepted to study engineering at Oxford, and I was really happy about it. However, today I got an email from my college telling me my PAT score. I did really bad—I wasn't expecting a score more than 20 marks below what most people who got an offer got and 10 below the overall average. I don't get why I even got an interview, let alone an offer. Now, I'm feeling like I don't deserve it because my score is way below what's normal for Oxford students. It's making me feel kind of down, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle the course if I were to go.

One test score proves nothing. Bear in mind that any engineering you’re gonna be studying in university will be drastically different from a university entrance test.
Basically, getting a below average score doesn’t mean anything in the way of your actual capabilities, and you stand at equal footing with most of the people at Oxford.
And congrats.
Reply 3
Original post by Esesyes
Last week, I got accepted to study engineering at Oxford, and I was really happy about it. However, today I got an email from my college telling me my PAT score. I did really bad—I wasn't expecting a score more than 20 marks below what most people who got an offer got and 10 below the overall average. I don't get why I even got an interview, let alone an offer. Now, I'm feeling like I don't deserve it because my score is way below what's normal for Oxford students. It's making me feel kind of down, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle the course if I were to go.

I felt the same way last year getting a poor LNAT score after being accepted, but trust me - it really does not matter once you start here.
Reply 4
Think of it this way. You beat multiple people to get the place.

Oxford chose you specifically over others that may have had a higher raw score in the PAT. They know what they’re doing and they know who they want. Take it as a compliment. 👍

The college will have transitional information for new students, thoughts for study skills and a reading list. And, some thoughts on how to use the reading list (don’t study it all..!). Might provide some fun stuff to do over the summer.

The tests are designed to be difficult and I’m sure there’s an element of luck in whether the questions are close to what someone may have seen before, or whether someone has to dig deep to get towards the answers. The test is to get you the interview, you obviously did exceptionally well in the interview to gain the place. Well done. You might have seen the physics admissions report, they’re aiming to have a mean of about 60 I think. You can see at your PAT score what proportion gained an offer (for physics anyway), you may have been very strong indeed at the interview.

Short answer, Oxford were well impressed with you. Enjoy the course!

(Parent of an offer holder, and myself an unsuccessful Physics applicant many many many years ago)
(edited 1 year ago)
Repeating what @AnonOxE said, you impressed Oxford and be happy and proud of what you demonstrated. Most of the times, score of a practiced exam is not the case, but your potential which you seems proven nicely. Oxford MAT and PAT both has high scored (80-90) students who not even offered an interview. So it is not just marks.
Hi, I also got accepted to study engineering at Oxford this year and my score is also below average :smile:. I was also worried like you, thinking that I was under-qualified. However, when I think about it - they probably take into account far more than just the raw score. If your answers in the test were not fully correct but they understood your line of thinking and it seemed logical - I think that's another reason for why they'll give you an interview. The test wasn't just about being right but was an "holistically assessed piece of work" - which they mentioned during info events.
Reply 7
Hey everyone, thanks for the encouraging messages. Sorry for the late reply got caught up with mocks.
I guess I didn't even realise it but the imposter syndrome is already starting to kick in, but I'm seeing it as a chance to kick it up a notch for my A levels. Planning to dig into the syllabus, explore some new stuff, and hopefully bounce back from any setbacks. Thanks again everyone.
Reply 8
Original post by ILikeChina87181
Hi, I also got accepted to study engineering at Oxford this year and my score is also below average :smile:. I was also worried like you, thinking that I was under-qualified. However, when I think about it - they probably take into account far more than just the raw score. If your answers in the test were not fully correct but they understood your line of thinking and it seemed logical - I think that's another reason for why they'll give you an interview. The test wasn't just about being right but was an "holistically assessed piece of work" - which they mentioned during info events.

Hello fellow engineer. I agree with you completely. I guess I was just too overcome by shock at the time because I really wasn't expecting it. But now, I'm starting to think that I probably did better than I think. Hope to see you soon.
Original post by Esesyes
Last week, I got accepted to study engineering at Oxford, and I was really happy about it. However, today I got an email from my college telling me my PAT score. I did really bad—I wasn't expecting a score more than 20 marks below what most people who got an offer got and 10 below the overall average. I don't get why I even got an interview, let alone an offer. Now, I'm feeling like I don't deserve it because my score is way below what's normal for Oxford students. It's making me feel kind of down, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle the course if I were to go.

Congratulations on what were clearly outstanding interviews. Which are far more important than the PAT. You'll be fine.
Please trust your tutors. They chose you because they think that you can do well at Oxford. They want to teach you. Part of Oxford's special magic is the teaching relationship between tutor and undergraduate. Believe in yourself, have fun, and thrive!

Imposter Syndrome is a curable condition!
Original post by Esesyes
Last week, I got accepted to study engineering at Oxford, and I was really happy about it. However, today I got an email from my college telling me my PAT score. I did really bad—I wasn't expecting a score more than 20 marks below what most people who got an offer got and 10 below the overall average. I don't get why I even got an interview, let alone an offer. Now, I'm feeling like I don't deserve it because my score is way below what's normal for Oxford students. It's making me feel kind of down, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle the course if I were to go.

Hey, congrats on the offer! i graduated from engineering from St John's Oxford and to be honest my PAT results were a bit confusing and a lower than I expected buttttt Oxford engineering was so valuable in so many more ways than just the lectures and courses. i could write so much but i made videos about this stuff which might help. Type my name (Bartol Sikora) on youtube and have a browse. I recommend the 'was oxford worth it' and '5 lessons i learned from 4 years at oxford' videos. they may give some more insight. Hope you enjoy :smile:

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