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Reply 1
Another example was the suicide of Balliol JCR president in 2006.
Reply 2
the Article
There had been 11 suicides at the university since 1990, and one incident where a coroner recorded an open verdict. Statistics showed that the incidence of suicides was no higher than the national average for the 18-25 age group.

Reading: it helps.
Oxford is known for its high suicide rate, as well as high-profile suicides

Do you reckon we can blame it on the unnecessary pressure that the system places on students, or do you completely object to the notion that the level of pressure is "unnecessary"?

The source you quoted makes it clear that Oxford does not have a high suicide rate (it is average for the 18-25 age group), so why did you make that claim?
Reply 4
Not unnecesary at all, students at Oxford knew what they were signing up for when they applied and took the offer; if its anyones fault it is their own.
Reply 5
Oxford is known for its high suicide rate, as well as high-profile suicides

Do you reckon we can blame it on the unnecessary pressure that the system places on students, or do you completely object to the notion that the level of pressure is "unnecessary"?

Having read the article i have come to the conclusion that you are just being specious!
Reply 6
Before BJack & Good bloke's astute points get lost in quick reads and knee jerks replies, just for some extra emphasis...
1997 OP's article from July

Yesterday the university said it constantly reviewed its counselling system, and did not believe a formal review was necessary.

There had been 11 suicides at the university since 1990, and one incident where a coroner recorded an open verdict. Statistics showed that the incidence of suicides was no higher than the national average for the 18-25 age group. But Mr Napuk said he believed the support system - which is split between counsellor, doctors and tutors - was "fragmented and unco-ordinated".

I suspect the counselling system has improved in the 10 years since that case - I've certainly heard good things about them recently.

Tis an interesting topic, some other links:

There is the Suicide Research Centre based at the Warneford, so unsurprisingly they've looked at the student population as a subgroup in Oxford as far back as 1978!: Attempted suicide and suicide among Oxford University students, Hawton et al, The British Journal of Psychiatry 132: 506-509
Annual monitoring report for 2007:

Cambridge University Counselling Service - "Reducing the risk of Student Suicide - A Guide for those with Welfare Responsibilities":

& for current Oxford students:
Student Health & Welfare
Student Counselling Service
Reply 7
its scary how people seemed to get sucked into this oxford-world
Reply 8
its scary how people seemed to get sucked into this oxford-world

How so?
Reply 9
its scary how people seemed to get sucked into this oxford-world

Read the thread (not just the OP) THEN comment.
Oxford is known for its high suicide rate, as well as high-profile suicides

Do you reckon we can blame it on the unnecessary pressure that the system places on students, or do you completely object to the notion that the level of pressure is "unnecessary"?

1. Why do you post an article which is over eleven years old?
2. As has been pointed out several times, the suicide rate at Oxbridge is average for the relevant age group so the premise of this thread is absolute rubbish.
3. Any suicide, especially of a young person, is an absolute tragedy. Therefore it is extremely distasteful to use them (especially an individual case, as mentioned above) to make cheap and tired anti-Oxbridge jibes.
Reply 11
1. Why do you post an article which is over eleven years old?
2. As has been pointed out several times, the suicide rate at Oxbridge is average for the relevant age group so the premise of this thread is absolute rubbish.
3. Any suicide, especially of a young person, is an absolute tragedy. Therefore it is extremely distasteful to use them (especially an individual case, as mentioned above) to make cheap and tired anti-Oxbridge jibes.

Not seeing any 'jibes' to be honest..
Just a question. :yep:
Not seeing any 'jibes' to be honest..
Just a question. :yep:

Can you really not see the implicit anti-Oxbridge spirit in the root of this thread? Just because the OP doesn't start off "yah boo sucks down with Oxbridge" doesn't mean that he isn't making a jibe.
Maybe they had other reasons to commit suicide e.g. family, personal, financial etc problems? You can't just assume that because they went to Oxford, they killed themselves because of the workload.
Reply 14
Reading: it helps.

it clearly wasn't down to just exams.
Mask Of Sanity
Doesn't the article show those suicide rates are quite normal around that age of students? :rolleyes:

Plus, it may be distasteful, but that's where my opinion stands and it's not likely to change.

It does state that -- that's kinda the point I (and others) have been trying to make, and something which both the OP and a lot of posters on this thread seem to have ignored!

Your latter statement does not constitute a justification of your opinion.
Reply 17
Can you really not see the implicit anti-Oxbridge spirit in the root of this thread? Just because the OP doesn't start off "yah boo sucks down with Oxbridge" doesn't mean that he isn't making a jibe.

Oh course I can detect that there is a undertone that the OP probably doesnt approve of the pressure put on Oxford students..

But him already having an opinion when he starts a debate on the matter really doesnt matter. And it does not constitute a jibe.

I await seeing your actual opinion on the matter. Mine is here:
When I visit my friends at Oxford the amount of work they have is insane. To be obligated to timetable in 'social time' between essay writing and sleep is a practice completly alien to me except in the run up to an exam. I am not surprised that many find it stressful, they have told me as much.

Oxford is a good university however, if I were an employer and saw that a student had completly a degree there under this pressure it would give me strong guarentees as to they stellar performance. For this kudos and academic challenge is why many have applied to Oxford.
Help is available I am sure for distressed individuals as it is at any university. I do not think Oxford is better or worst than other unis in terms of providing these services and as such is not to blame for any suicides.
Reply 18
1. Why do you post an article which is over eleven years old?
2. As has been pointed out several times, the suicide rate at Oxbridge is average for the relevant age group so the premise of this thread is absolute rubbish.
3. Any suicide, especially of a young person, is an absolute tragedy. Therefore it is extremely distasteful to use them (especially an individual case, as mentioned above) to make cheap and tired anti-Oxbridge jibes.

Take a biscuit. Taboo is something that rules you life.
Suicide is real and a serious issue at university. I certainly know of people who have killed themselves at Oxford. It shocks me every time.
We do have quite a lot of suicides and attempts at it but I wouldn't say it's because of the work - more likely due to pressure from family to succeed, feelings of inadequacy, general hatred of the place etc.