The Student Room Group

what do you think of UEL

Im thinking of changing uni to UEL as im struggling where i am. Does anyone do the Special Education course? What are your thoughts on the Uni as a whole? My mate said they hated it in their first year but would like more opinions please. TIA
Original post by Anonymous #1
Im thinking of changing uni to UEL as im struggling where i am. Does anyone do the Special Education course? What are your thoughts on the Uni as a whole? My mate said they hated it in their first year but would like more opinions please. TIA

I hope you are doing well.

UEL offers BA Special Education and applications can be made using the following link:

UEL holds Open Events for prospective students. I would recommend attending this event as it would be a great opportunity for you to speak to current students, Academics and also have a campus tour. It can be booked online using the following link:
Undergraduate Open Days | University of East London (

You can also speak to Student Ambassadors studying your course. They can be reached using the following website:
Chat to our students | University of East London (

For further information, please feel free to contact Applicant Engagement via telephone on 0208 223 3333.

(edited 10 months ago)

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