The Student Room Group

Anyone else applied to UEL for Midwifery, or is a current student?

Hi all,

Just applied to UEL for Midwifery and was wondering if anyone else has applied or is a current student?


Star x
Original post by stargazer77
Hi all,

Just applied to UEL for Midwifery and was wondering if anyone else has applied or is a current student?


Star x

I just applied this week and have an interview next Thursday.

Original post by stargazer77
Hi all,

Just applied to UEL for Midwifery and was wondering if anyone else has applied or is a current student?


Star x

Hi Star,

I'm going through clearing for Midwifery now! Came here to find any information about placements already lol.

Original post by stargazer77
Hi all,

Just applied to UEL for Midwifery and was wondering if anyone else has applied or is a current student?


Star x


I hope you are doing well.

UEL offers BSc Midwifery and applications can be made using the following website:
BSc (Hons) Midwifery | University of East London (

UEL holds Open Events for prospective students. This would be a great opportunity for you to speak to current students, Academics and have a campus tour. It can be booked online using the following link:
Undergraduate Open Days | University of East London (

You can also speak to Student Ambassadors studying your course. They can be reached using the following website:
Chat to our students | University of East London (

For further information, please feel free to contact Applicant Engagement via telephone on 0208 223 3333.


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