The Student Room Group

Apprenticeship (Digital and Tech Solutions) vs Finance/Economics

I currently have received an offer to do a degree apprenticeship with Barclays, a very prestigious institution. Although super happy with it, I am quite conflicted as I have an interest in studying a more academically rigourous finance/econ based degree -- even though the role at work will be in Banking Operations despite the degree awarded being tech based (BSc Digital and Technology Solutions from Manchester Met). While my aspirations are wanting to enter into front office investment banking (asset management/sales trading), I also would appreciate the academia door to stay open as I find the subject incredibly interesting as a study. I also appreciate that most people in that field will eventually leave after 4-5 years or so due to the fact that they are simply not that happy in the job. That being said, would a niche d+ts degree be helpful if that were to happen to me and I wanted to switch fields?

Are the prospects for D+TS good for pursuing a masters degree in econ/finance at a high ranking uni later on feasible? I personally doubt that the quantitative material involved in d+ts will be rigourous enough to prepare me to get into a masters course at LSE or Oxbridge.

My alternative -- UCAS options which I'm seriously considering are to study Finance/Economics BSc at Durham(still waiting on an offer), or Royal Holloway University (not nearly as prestigious but i like the campus and department very much). at least this way I'll be more able to further build skills and enter the job market in a more traditional route. Then again at the price of heavy student debt that'll take a decade to pay off in the best case scenario :biggrin:.

What do you think? Please let me know as some new perspectives would be much appreciated!
(edited 1 year ago)
i know someone who did a DA with vodafone and theyre doing their masters at oxford,

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