Hi, I’m in year 11 and I have my GCSE exams in 3 months, for my mocks I achieved a mixture of grades 6/7 and two 8s, before my mocks I really wanted to get into a sixth form that needs 68 points to be offered a place, I have applied with 57 points so I will be put on the waiting list, after realising that even if I get 10A* in my real GCSEs there is a very small I will get into my dream sixth form as it is VERY oversubscribed , this has made me really sad and unmotivated leaving me thinking “what is the point in getting 10A* if I won’t get into Pates grammar school?, isn’t it just wasted effort?”. My dream results are 10A* and I promised myself right after I got my mock results that I would achieve that dream, I was so motivated as I thought getting 10A* in my actual GCSEs would definitely get me a place at Pates as I could call them up on results day and they would accept me. But now, realising that might not be the case due to subscription, I have lost motivation and it is really affecting me as I really want to get my dream results and my lack of motivation is preventing me from revising. Does anyone have any tips to regain my motivation?
(Btw all my friends have applied to Pates with 69+ points so they will be offered a place)