The Student Room Group

Sixth Form

Hi, I’m in year 11 and I have my GCSE exams in 3 months, for my mocks I achieved a mixture of grades 6/7 and two 8s, before my mocks I really wanted to get into a sixth form that needs 68 points to be offered a place, I have applied with 57 points so I will be put on the waiting list, after realising that even if I get 10A* in my real GCSEs there is a very small I will get into my dream sixth form as it is VERY oversubscribed , this has made me really sad and unmotivated leaving me thinking “what is the point in getting 10A* if I won’t get into Pates grammar school?, isn’t it just wasted effort?”. My dream results are 10A* and I promised myself right after I got my mock results that I would achieve that dream, I was so motivated as I thought getting 10A* in my actual GCSEs would definitely get me a place at Pates as I could call them up on results day and they would accept me. But now, realising that might not be the case due to subscription, I have lost motivation and it is really affecting me as I really want to get my dream results and my lack of motivation is preventing me from revising. Does anyone have any tips to regain my motivation?
(Btw all my friends have applied to Pates with 69+ points so they will be offered a place)
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
Hi, I’m in year 11 and I have my GCSE exams in 3 months, for my mocks I achieved a mixture of grades 6/7 and two 8s, before my mocks I really wanted to get into a sixth form that needs 68 points to be offered a place, I have applied with 57 points so I will be put on the waiting list, after realising that even if I get 10A* in my real GCSEs there is a very small I will get into my dream sixth form as it is VERY oversubscribed , this has made me really sad and unmotivated leaving me thinking “what is the point in getting 10A* if I won’t get into Pates grammar school?, isn’t it just wasted effort?”. My dream results are 10A* and I promised myself right after I got my mock results that I would achieve that dream, I was so motivated as I thought getting 10A* in my actual GCSEs would definitely get me a place at Pates as I could call them up on results day and they would accept me. But now, realising that might not be the case due to subscription, I have lost motivation and it is really affecting me as I really want to get my dream results and my lack of motivation is preventing me from revising. Does anyone have any tips to regain my motivation?
(Btw all my friends have applied to Pates with 69+ points so they will be offered a place)

Honestly, don't stress. As long as you put your mind and heart into your revision, you will do perfectly fine. I was in a similar position to you and I had to get the right grades. Overtime, I just kept revising and managed to get in. Don't look at others and compare themselves to u as that can be very demotivating. I was predicted a 5 in math's which was very demotivating as I needed a 6 so I did something about it. I revised hard and came out with that 6 and am now doing biology, chemistry and psychology. Don't give up. As long as you work hard and put effort into revision, nothing can stop you from getting what you want to achieve. Don't have a weak mindset and give up easily. Keep pushing but don't overload yourself. I know how you feel as I've gone through it before and all that revision and hard work paid off so If I can do it, you can so please don't feel like its the end of the world because trust me it isn't. There is always be a solution to everything
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
Hi, I’m in year 11 and I have my GCSE exams in 3 months, for my mocks I achieved a mixture of grades 6/7 and two 8s, before my mocks I really wanted to get into a sixth form that needs 68 points to be offered a place, I have applied with 57 points so I will be put on the waiting list, after realising that even if I get 10A* in my real GCSEs there is a very small I will get into my dream sixth form as it is VERY oversubscribed , this has made me really sad and unmotivated leaving me thinking “what is the point in getting 10A* if I won’t get into Pates grammar school?, isn’t it just wasted effort?”. My dream results are 10A* and I promised myself right after I got my mock results that I would achieve that dream, I was so motivated as I thought getting 10A* in my actual GCSEs would definitely get me a place at Pates as I could call them up on results day and they would accept me. But now, realising that might not be the case due to subscription, I have lost motivation and it is really affecting me as I really want to get my dream results and my lack of motivation is preventing me from revising. Does anyone have any tips to regain my motivation?
(Btw all my friends have applied to Pates with 69+ points so they will be offered a place)

i havent done my gcses yet but what is points?
i thought u apply with your grades and u get accepted..
how does it actually work..?
Original post by Alm_xo
i havent done my gcses yet but what is points?
i thought u apply with your grades and u get accepted..
how does it actually work..?

A lot of competitive sixth forms use points across your best 8 gcse predicted grades (for example grade 9 is 9 points), I have 57 points and the cut off for the sixth form I want to go to is 68
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
A lot of competitive sixth forms use points across your best 8 gcse predicted grades (for example grade 9 is 9 points), I have 57 points and the cut off for the sixth form I want to go to is 68

I thought for pates the minimum was 57????
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
Hi, I’m in year 11 and I have my GCSE exams in 3 months, for my mocks I achieved a mixture of grades 6/7 and two 8s, before my mocks I really wanted to get into a sixth form that needs 68 points to be offered a place, I have applied with 57 points so I will be put on the waiting list, after realising that even if I get 10A* in my real GCSEs there is a very small I will get into my dream sixth form as it is VERY oversubscribed , this has made me really sad and unmotivated leaving me thinking “what is the point in getting 10A* if I won’t get into Pates grammar school?, isn’t it just wasted effort?”. My dream results are 10A* and I promised myself right after I got my mock results that I would achieve that dream, I was so motivated as I thought getting 10A* in my actual GCSEs would definitely get me a place at Pates as I could call them up on results day and they would accept me. But now, realising that might not be the case due to subscription, I have lost motivation and it is really affecting me as I really want to get my dream results and my lack of motivation is preventing me from revising. Does anyone have any tips to regain my motivation?
(Btw all my friends have applied to Pates with 69+ points so they will be offered a place)

GCSE are not just for sixth form! Get your motivation back, you will need it for a good University and also if you are doing those a-levels then you will have a better understanding and will be better than your mates! Good luck.
Original post by klnlljkklhklll
I thought for pates the minimum was 57????

It is but the cutoff is 69 because it is over subscribed 😭
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
It is but the cutoff is 69 because it is over subscribed 😭

omgg- do u go to pates btw ?? x
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous_dragon
It is but the cutoff is 69 because it is over subscribed 😭

So does that mean anyone with over 68 points will definitely get in?
no you usually need at least 71
Original post by idkwhy1999
no you usually need at least 71

this year someone i know got in with 69 for external students, 2 years ago the cutoff was 64
I go to pates currently and 64 is a guide that they tell ppl,but it’s rly only the bare minimum and because they are so oversubscribed ( 800 people applying for the 80 external places) it’s usually much higher, especially since they give priority to people who are already students at pates first. have you tried applying to other grammar school sixth forms?

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