The Student Room Group

Sixth form vs College

I'm in year 11 and I have no idea whether to choose to go to a local sixth form as my school doesn't have one or go to college. I know that I want to do a-levels and I am on track for 7s and 8s in my upcoming mocks that i'll apply with. I just don't want to end up making the wrong decision and being stuck there for 2 years. The sixth forms near me have either a dress code or uniform which I don't mind but also it would be nice to wear my own clothes. I'd have to get the bus if i went to college and I think i'd rather just be able to walk to sixth form. Can anyone tell me what it's like going to either college or sixth form. Please help!!
Reply 1
I go to a sixth-form college and its the best possible experience. Far better than normal sixth forms and normal colleges. If the college your going to is good id choose that one. If it's not a good school in terms of education id say choose the sixth form.

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