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repeating year 12

I wanted to ask whether I should repeat year 12 or not. I started year 12 doing an extended diploma BTEC in Engineering as originally my mind was fixed on becoming an engineer. But after a few months of the BTEC I really have started to hate engineering and feel like it isn't the correct career choice for me(mainly because of how much practical/physical work there is)(im not that good or enjoy the physical type of work) Now I have the option to switch to A-levels next academic year so I would be 17 when I start the A levels and I am thinking of doing A-level Biology,Chemistry and Maths or Geography. haven't decided yet if maths or geography is better.

Please Help is this a stupid choice, should I just stick to Engineering. And will repeating the year with different subjects affect or discourage me getting into University. I spoke with Newcastle Uni on the phone, which is local and they said if you repeat year 12 with different subjects then it won't discourage you for any of the courses. Is this the same for all Universities?

Also, if i switch to the A-levels Maths,Chemistry and Biology what are my career options with them. I was thinking Dentistry or Medicine but they are extremely competitive and hard to get into so I am worried that I won't get the space. I know salary shoudn't be what I look at but whatever job I do I hope to earn a decent comfortable salary.
(edited 1 year ago)
Hiya Zak!

If you genuinely don't enjoy engineering and don't think its for you - that is totally okay! I know so many people that retook year 12 for various reasons, and at my sixth form college, their situation was very similar to yours.
Repeating the year definitely won't discourage Universities from accepting you onto their courses, you'll find that a lot of students you meet will have gotten to were they are in a range of different ways - some may have taken gap years, gone back to education as a mature student, or like you, retaken a year and are starting university a year later than you would've done.

I can't speak much on your potential A-Level options and what they hold for you career or course-wise, as I study Journalism which is very far from being a STEM subject, but maybe have a look at some courses, speak with career advisers at your school, attend some UCAS Discovery events and open days of universities you're interested in, and speak with lecturers to get an idea.

I hope this helps, and best of luck in whatever you choose to do!

Thea (Kingston Rep)
Reply 2
Original post by Kingston Reps
Hiya Zak!

If you genuinely don't enjoy engineering and don't think its for you - that is totally okay! I know so many people that retook year 12 for various reasons, and at my sixth form college, their situation was very similar to yours.
Repeating the year definitely won't discourage Universities from accepting you onto their courses, you'll find that a lot of students you meet will have gotten to were they are in a range of different ways - some may have taken gap years, gone back to education as a mature student, or like you, retaken a year and are starting university a year later than you would've done.

I can't speak much on your potential A-Level options and what they hold for you career or course-wise, as I study Journalism which is very far from being a STEM subject, but maybe have a look at some courses, speak with career advisers at your school, attend some UCAS Discovery events and open days of universities you're interested in, and speak with lecturers to get an idea.

I hope this helps, and best of luck in whatever you choose to do!

Thea (Kingston Rep)

Thank u alot that has been of help. I was just worried that changing would stop me going to uni.
Reply 3
Original post by zak.sa1
Thank u alot that has been of help. I was just worried that changing would stop me going to uni.

But i wanted to ask though does it mean ive made a huge mistake or is it not that big of a deal. Cus i feel like im an idiot for picking engineering
Original post by zak.sa1
But i wanted to ask though does it mean ive made a huge mistake or is it not that big of a deal. Cus i feel like im an idiot for picking engineering

Honestly not at all, its a lot to expect a 16 year old to know exactly what they want to do, and to make those career defining decisions now. It's not that big of a deal to make the switch to a different set of subjects, you'd rather change now and know you're happier and giving yourself better career and degree prospects, than stick it out with a course you don't enjoy and won't ever use. You're definitely not an idiot for picking engineering to begin with!

Thea (Kingston Rep)
Reply 5
Original post by Kingston Reps
Honestly not at all, its a lot to expect a 16 year old to know exactly what they want to do, and to make those career defining decisions now. It's not that big of a deal to make the switch to a different set of subjects, you'd rather change now and know you're happier and giving yourself better career and degree prospects, than stick it out with a course you don't enjoy and won't ever use. You're definitely not an idiot for picking engineering to begin with!

Thea (Kingston Rep)

Thank u for this it really has encouraged me and made me feel better.

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