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Physics and maths A-levels

I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?
Original post by Snuck dude
I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?

im gonna be honest here.
I got a 9 in maths and a very high 8 in physics, and I'm scraping a B in maths a level rn, and I have a solid A in physics. I'm sure if you put in the effort you can get the grades, but just be aware that it is a big jump.
Original post by Snuck dude
I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?

Mathematics at A levels is a huge difference in terms of the grades before and their difficulty level. A levels requires a good sense for abstraction, if you prefer that subject.
Reply 3
Original post by Snuck dude
I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?

Hey! I got 9s in both in GCSEs. I do further maths, so I learnt and sat maths a-level a year early and got an A*. It’s not easy, but if you work often and consistently, you have a very good chance of getting an A*. Things like doing 10 mins of differentiation and integration (the most important topics) each a day and attempting old spec papers (C12 and C34) consistently through the year. If you need anymore help / tips, just ask. Physics A-level, I’m on an A* right not but it is NOT easy and requires a LOT of work. I wish you luck, I’m sure you can do it!
Original post by Snuck dude
I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?

Its doable provided you figure out what your not doing so good at and then ironing it out. This will take a lot of effort.

If I were you I would go about doing some past papers, see where you are failing - iron out these issues either by yourself or by seeking help from teachers and then keep doing them and ironing out your issues until your exams are here.
Original post by Snuck dude
I’m currently predicted a 7 in maths and an 8 in physics

I want to pursue astronomy or astrophysics at uni.

Would it be possible to get an A* in maths a-level and two other As to get to the higher universities?


I'm a current 3rd year astrophysics and cosmology student at Lancaster University and would agree with all the responses so far. I achieved a 9 in both physics and maths GCSEs but found the step to A-Level to be quite challenging. They are 2 quite demanding subjects to do at higher levels so it really does depend on the amount of effort you are willing to put into achieving the grades you want, whatever level you are studying at.

In terms of achieving this, revision techniques play a huge role, making sure you complete exercises regularly to keep techniques in your mind, continuously refreshing your memory of topics you may struggle with and just staying on top of these subtopics.
It is definitely possible to achieve these grades if you fully apply yourself to your revision and make sure you brush up on grey areas, asking for help if you feel you need external guidance or further explanations.

I hope all this helps and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask :smile:)
-- Arya (Lancaster University Student Ambassador)

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