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Am I likely to get an offer from Warwick Uni

I’m in year 12, have just completed my first set of mocks and i was very lazy in the lead up and did little revision and got a comfortable A* in maths, an A in further maths, a B in english language and either a B or C in history (only had one paper back). English and History were both A level papers so there is more room for improvement. I am confident in my ability to be predicted at least A*A*AA. My gcse grades were 999988877 including 9s in maths and english lang. I also plan to take mat.
Would I be likely to receive an offer from Warwick uni for maths based on this or is it competitive enough that even if you have good grades it’s still not possible to tell if you would be likely to get an offer
Go to their Open Day in June and ask them.
Reply 2
Original post by ameliasutherland
I’m in year 12, have just completed my first set of mocks and i was very lazy in the lead up and did little revision and got a comfortable A* in maths, an A in further maths, a B in english language and either a B or C in history (only had one paper back). English and History were both A level papers so there is more room for improvement. I am confident in my ability to be predicted at least A*A*AA. My gcse grades were 999988877 including 9s in maths and english lang. I also plan to take mat.
Would I be likely to receive an offer from Warwick uni for maths based on this or is it competitive enough that even if you have good grades it’s still not possible to tell if you would be likely to get an offer

Directly from the FAQ page on the course website:
"Roughly, we make offers to around 1800 people out of the roughly 2000 that apply each year."

Chances are, if your a-level predicted grades are close to what they ask for, you'll get an offer.
Original post by Skiwi
Directly from the FAQ page on the course website:
"Roughly, we make offers to around 1800 people out of the roughly 2000 that apply each year."

Chances are, if your a-level predicted grades are close to what they ask for, you'll get an offer.

Those numbers are CRAZY for such a good institution for Maths! Wow! I wish course stats were similar for CS at other institutions.
For 2023 entry they said at the open day that you were pretty much guaranteed an offer if your predicted grades met their entry requirements. They also made it clear that they are trying to get the maths degree as close in quality to Oxbridge as possible and to expect a lot of work. This has been confirmed as accurate by my son's friend who went there.
Original post by Costajambo
For 2023 entry they said at the open day that you were pretty much guaranteed an offer if your predicted grades met their entry requirements. They also made it clear that they are trying to get the maths degree as close in quality to Oxbridge as possible and to expect a lot of work. This has been confirmed as accurate by my son's friend who went there.

It's kinda like Manchester CS then...Yeah the quality of the course is great but I still think there's room for improvement to get to Oxbridge standards. When you think of Oxbridge STEM courses, Maths is always up there for how good the course is with the likes of NatSci, Economics, CompSci and others.
Reply 6
Original post by vnayak
Those numbers are CRAZY for such a good institution for Maths! Wow! I wish course stats were similar for CS at other institutions.

They aren't that crazy, they cut down massively on results day by being very inflexible on any missed offers. ( I know of 2 people who narrowly missed by one grade and after being remarked and achieving the grade they needed were till rejected). A decent number of people on joint courses are people who narrowly missed the offer for the maths course for example.

Also bear in mind that they need to account for people who apply and end up firming elsewhere. Most people on the course would have applied to Cambridge/Oxford and narrowly missed the Cambridge step offer or had a bad day in mat/interview. There's a lot of people with 1,2/2,2/1,3 in step etc. but theres probably a few 100 people who had warwick as an insurance and went to Cambridge etc
Reply 7
Original post by Costajambo
For 2023 entry they said at the open day that you were pretty much guaranteed an offer if your predicted grades met their entry requirements. They also made it clear that they are trying to get the maths degree as close in quality to Oxbridge as possible and to expect a lot of work. This has been confirmed as accurate by my son's friend who went there.

Yeah the course is pretty close as well. Oxbridge still go over things more quickly but the later year modules at Warwick especially are extremely good, though their pure is notably stronger than their applied.

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