The Student Room Group

pronouns on name badge?

I've been asked to provide (optional) pronouns for my name badge as a medical student while I'm in clinical settings.

I don't go by any pronouns that are not already quite obvious, so I don't think I need them on my badge.

But I'm worried about how this will be viewed by others since I think most of my peers will do so and just follow everyone else. I guess I should also follow and put them on too...
Reply 1
Even if you don’t feel the need to do this, it is a powerful way to show solidarity with others that have had precious little understanding shown up to now. This said, if you don’t feel you want to, I don’t think it’s a big deal. For me it’s personal preference and not something to particularly justify
The point of pronouns are so that you can be referred to in a comfortable way - if you don't feel comfortable putting your pronouns on you badge that's your choice as well!
Thank you for your replies.
I was quite worried that I might stick out, be taken the wrong way and even to some extremes that I might be transphobic or the likes but I hope others are as open-minded as you both are.
Just pop them on anyway.

Even if you think they’re inherently tied into gender identity it could also help non-native English speakers.
Reply 5
I personally wouldn't put them on if they are optional. I'm a doctor.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. I guess I was just overthinking and it isn't as big of a deal as I first thought.
Its 'virtue signalling' by the hospital - a silly corporate gesture that makes them look 'cool' and 'relevant', but is essentially condescending to those with any sort of identity issue. Because their concern/interest stops at the name badge, or the twee 'identity' lanyard.

It's actually my university making the badges but yes I will just go with what I was initially going to do as it is optional.
Original post by Anonymous #1
It's actually my university making the badges but yes I will just go with what I was initially going to do as it is optional.

Universities are even worse at this - look at all the 'Aren't we understanding' badges on their websites, its all just posturing.
Original post by McGinger
Universities are even worse at this - look at all the 'Aren't we understanding' badges on their websites, its all just posturing.

Have your trans colleagues passed this on to the higher ups? Mine all seem pleased with even small gestures.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by McGinger
Universities are even worse at this - look at all the 'Aren't we understanding' badges on their websites, its all just posturing.

Yes to be fair I was quite taken aback that this was even being put on badges as I don't see how it would make patient interactions better since these badges are only to be used in GP and hospital settings. Perhaps as you said that is not the point.

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