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Gcse English lit poetry

I am doing power and conflict
If you were to pick about 5 poems to learn for the 2024 exams, what would you recommend??
English lit is so hard! Any tips would also be appreciated
Reply 1
im also doing power and conflict this year. I would pick one from each theme:

Remains - Psychological effects of war
Emigrée - power of memory
Checkin out me history - identity
The Prelude - power of nature
My Last Duchess - power of man/control

But I really think it depends on what poems you prefer and are better at analysing.
Reply 2
In terms of tips, reading through grade 9 essays has always helped me. I went up about 2 grades just from stealing grade 9 ideas. I would also recommend watching Mr Salles for some really high level analysis. Also make up your own exam questions with themes that haven't come up yet and practice them. Make sure you also take a look at the mark scheme so you know how to get into the top levels.
Hope this helps!
Reply 3
Original post by User_09
In terms of tips, reading through grade 9 essays has always helped me. I went up about 2 grades just from stealing grade 9 ideas. I would also recommend watching Mr Salles for some really high level analysis. Also make up your own exam questions with themes that haven't come up yet and practice them. Make sure you also take a look at the mark scheme so you know how to get into the top levels.
Hope this helps!

thank you so much, I am going to look at some Mr Salles videos today. Do you know where I could find any grade 9 essays?
Reply 4
Original post by User_09
im also doing power and conflict this year. I would pick one from each theme:

Remains - Psychological effects of war
Emigrée - power of memory
Checkin out me history - identity
The Prelude - power of nature
My Last Duchess - power of man/control

But I really think it depends on what poems you prefer and are better at analysing.

I might do

Storm on the Island - power of nature

Checkin out me history - identity

Remains - psychological effect of war

London - power of man/control

The Emigree - power of memory

thank you for your help, i will look at other poems as well
good luck for your exams this year!
Reply 5
Original post by jedladskcdvcbg
thank you so much, I am going to look at some Mr Salles videos today. Do you know where I could find any grade 9 essays?

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