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Restarting UG at 21

Hey guys!

I’d previously started studying law but ended up taking time out of uni part way through my second year for mental health reasons.

It’s been a year since then and I’ve realised I don’t enjoy law and I’ve decided to apply for Psychology, starting from year 1 of UG this September.

I’m honestly really excited to study psychology. I’ve loved it for ages - I just never let myself think of it as more than a personal interest/hobby. (I’m working on the people-pleasing, I promise)

I’m a little nervous about being 21 and being a first year undergrad again though.

I’m not freshly 18 or 19 like most of the freshers and though I’d be technically classed as a mature student - I feel like I’m hardly mature. I haven’t got the life experience or anything. I’ve only just turned 21 and I’ve spent the last year working on my health so apart from that I’m essentially fresh out of school (mentally?)

I don’t feel like a freshly turned 18 year old or a proper adult either. It’s like I’m tightrope walking on the mature students line but I don’t fit into either category.

I’m sure I’m probably overthinking this. I just haven’t seen many other people on here who are at the start of their 20s and only just going into their first year of undergrad.

It would be nice to find a bit of a community or even just a few others who might also be in a similar situation :smile:
Original post by DopamineDeficit
Hey guys!

I’d previously started studying law but ended up taking time out of uni part way through my second year for mental health reasons.

It’s been a year since then and I’ve realised I don’t enjoy law and I’ve decided to apply for Psychology, starting from year 1 of UG this September.

I’m honestly really excited to study psychology. I’ve loved it for ages - I just never let myself think of it as more than a personal interest/hobby. (I’m working on the people-pleasing, I promise)

I’m a little nervous about being 21 and being a first year undergrad again though.

I’m not freshly 18 or 19 like most of the freshers and though I’d be technically classed as a mature student - I feel like I’m hardly mature. I haven’t got the life experience or anything. I’ve only just turned 21 and I’ve spent the last year working on my health so apart from that I’m essentially fresh out of school (mentally?)

I don’t feel like a freshly turned 18 year old or a proper adult either. It’s like I’m tightrope walking on the mature students line but I don’t fit into either category.

I’m sure I’m probably overthinking this. I just haven’t seen many other people on here who are at the start of their 20s and only just going into their first year of undergrad.

It would be nice to find a bit of a community or even just a few others who might also be in a similar situation :smile:

Hi there

It is nice to hear that you are choosing to pursue a degree that interests you. :smile:
I am sure there are many in the same position as you! I am nearly 21, but I do not feel like a proper adult either. There are many students who start University late. I have met many mature students in University, so you do not have to worry too much!

21 is not too different from 18, students at University often make friends with those in a same, higher or lower year group. I believe Universities often have a postgraduate social network that can be found through student union's social media. My university hosts quite a few post-graduate networking events, maybe there will be something similar to where you are applying for.

I hope this helps.
University of Kent Student Rep
Original post by University of Kent
Hi there

It is nice to hear that you are choosing to pursue a degree that interests you. :smile:
I am sure there are many in the same position as you! I am nearly 21, but I do not feel like a proper adult either. There are many students who start University late. I have met many mature students in University, so you do not have to worry too much!

21 is not too different from 18, students at University often make friends with those in a same, higher or lower year group. I believe Universities often have a postgraduate social network that can be found through student union's social media. My university hosts quite a few post-graduate networking events, maybe there will be something similar to where you are applying for.

I hope this helps.
University of Kent Student Rep

Thanks Chloe! I’m hoping there’ll be some sort of networking thing beforehand, especially for undergrad mature students. Now that you mention it actually, in my first year two of my best friends (met through societies) were 21 so I guess it really isn’t that big a deal. I guess I’m just someone who tends to be friends with people older than me so not sure what it’ll be like on the other side! Thanks though!!
Reply 3
Original post by DopamineDeficit
Hey guys!

I’d previously started studying law but ended up taking time out of uni part way through my second year for mental health reasons.

It’s been a year since then and I’ve realised I don’t enjoy law and I’ve decided to apply for Psychology, starting from year 1 of UG this September.

I’m honestly really excited to study psychology. I’ve loved it for ages - I just never let myself think of it as more than a personal interest/hobby. (I’m working on the people-pleasing, I promise)

I’m a little nervous about being 21 and being a first year undergrad again though.

I’m not freshly 18 or 19 like most of the freshers and though I’d be technically classed as a mature student - I feel like I’m hardly mature. I haven’t got the life experience or anything. I’ve only just turned 21 and I’ve spent the last year working on my health so apart from that I’m essentially fresh out of school (mentally?)

I don’t feel like a freshly turned 18 year old or a proper adult either. It’s like I’m tightrope walking on the mature students line but I don’t fit into either category.

I’m sure I’m probably overthinking this. I just haven’t seen many other people on here who are at the start of their 20s and only just going into their first year of undergrad.

It would be nice to find a bit of a community or even just a few others who might also be in a similar situation :smile:

Unfortunately I can't offer any advice here however I wanted to let you know you are totally not alone in this! I will be going to uni age 21 this September, I went at 18 to study geography and it wasn't right for me and I left just before xmas. I've spent a few years doing lots of different things and even tried an apprenticeship and now I have decided that I am set on a sociology and politics degree. If you ever want to chat let me know, I'm super nervous but it's exciting too x
Original post by lucyeve
Unfortunately I can't offer any advice here however I wanted to let you know you are totally not alone in this! I will be going to uni age 21 this September, I went at 18 to study geography and it wasn't right for me and I left just before xmas. I've spent a few years doing lots of different things and even tried an apprenticeship and now I have decided that I am set on a sociology and politics degree. If you ever want to chat let me know, I'm super nervous but it's exciting too x

That’s so lovely of you - I’ll give you a follow! But yeah it actually took far too much for me to admit to myself that I hated my course. I’m finally excited to study Psychology, you know? Before it was always just that I need to get through uni to be a lawyer.

I wish I’d figured it out earlier but I know I wouldn’t have. It’s taken therapy and I’m pretty sure maturity that I don’t have at 18.

But it’s nice to know that there are others of a similar age going through something similar xx
Original post by DopamineDeficit
Hey guys!

I’d previously started studying law but ended up taking time out of uni part way through my second year for mental health reasons.

It’s been a year since then and I’ve realised I don’t enjoy law and I’ve decided to apply for Psychology, starting from year 1 of UG this September.

I’m honestly really excited to study psychology. I’ve loved it for ages - I just never let myself think of it as more than a personal interest/hobby. (I’m working on the people-pleasing, I promise)

I’m a little nervous about being 21 and being a first year undergrad again though.

I’m not freshly 18 or 19 like most of the freshers and though I’d be technically classed as a mature student - I feel like I’m hardly mature. I haven’t got the life experience or anything. I’ve only just turned 21 and I’ve spent the last year working on my health so apart from that I’m essentially fresh out of school (mentally?)

I don’t feel like a freshly turned 18 year old or a proper adult either. It’s like I’m tightrope walking on the mature students line but I don’t fit into either category.

I’m sure I’m probably overthinking this. I just haven’t seen many other people on here who are at the start of their 20s and only just going into their first year of undergrad.

It would be nice to find a bit of a community or even just a few others who might also be in a similar situation :smile:

It's great you've taken the time to look after yourself and now you've found the right path for you :smile: I started my UG degree two months after I turned 21 and it honestly didn't notice that most of the others on the course were a couple of years younger. One my of closest friends now is someone who was on that course with me and who was only 18 when we met. I wouldn't worry about it at all - focus on getting excited to study something you're passionate about!
Trust me, from experience: you are not substantially different from school leavers at 21. You're all still basically in the same stage of your life (you might make slightly fewer bad decisions granted). The differences between mature students and school leavers tends to be more evident for mature students in their late 20s or 30 and above, which is usually not anything structural but just simply that by that age often those mature students already have existing friends/family/other commitments outside uni and so may just see the course as a stepping stone and not really interested in "the uni experience" or "making friends for life". Equally though for those who aren't in that bracket and do want to engage with uni in the same manner as a school leaver there's never an issue with that and "younger" students don't have any problem socialising outside their ages.

Bear in mind that uni is not like school - you aren't segregated by age. You aren't even segregated by subject! In many degrees on a given module (especially optional modules) you'll have a range of students from different degree programmes, some undergrad and some postgrad, some on exchange/visiting students, some students at your uni, all of varying ages and backgrounds. So invariably students mix across the range simply because they can (whereas in school due to not having lessons with older/younger students, you may have been less likely to hang out with them).

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