The Student Room Group


I am stuck between Hertfordshire and AUB , I’m like both and I’ve been to both but I am conflicted.

I like Hertfordshires course and its opportunities are fantastic for the course but the actual school is not for me. It’s in the middle of nowhere, it’s really expensive and the uni life looks underwhelming.

While I like the course for AUB and the university is in a great place next to the beach with a lot of cool people, it feels like it’s a very open and welcoming place but the future prospects for the students aren’t great. I don’t know how well they are at getting opportunities for their alumni or what their alumni are up to.
Reply 1
Why do you think the future prospects aren’t great? Their alumni work in pretty much every area of animation in the UK and the world.
Original post by Anonymous #2
Why do you think the future prospects aren’t great? Their alumni work in pretty much every area of animation in the UK and the world.
Because when trying to look up what their alumni are up too I could only find 5 openly and couldn't find anything else. Are you aware of aub prospects? If so could you share them
Reply 3
you're probably already aware of this but just in case. for creative courses the uni or it's reputation means almost nothing, neither can you rely on the uni name to help you find work, it's all about your skills and portfolio to showcase those skills. someone with no degree but an amazing portfolio will always get hired over someone with a degree (even from a top university) with a bad portfolio. Pick the uni where u think you will be able to produce the best portfolio at the end of it - whether it means the better teaching environment where you get feedback and learning opportunities, or whether it means somewhere you'll enjoy living and be happy enough to be able to work on portfolio work

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