The Student Room Group

Oxbridge DPhil Chances - Low 2:1, Distinction MRes


I graduated with a low 2:1 (~63%) from Imperial and most recently with a distinction in an MRes from UCL (>80%).

Without revealing specifics my master's is in the same topic as two bio-related DPhil programmes at Oxford/Cambridge (although my undergraduate marks on the topic were very weak).
Do I have a decent chance of admission as is, or should I work as a Research Assistant and try to build my application?
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 1
Bump, similar position (but with high Merit)
The issue may not necessarily be admission but in securing funding. The two are separate (although sometimes linked) processes for PhDs and its entirely possible to be admitted to the PhD but not be awarded funding. Funding is very competitive so a low 2:1 at undergraduate may be a barrier, although a distinction in a research masters may help ameliorate this potentially...?
Reply 3
Original post by artful_lounger
The issue may not necessarily be admission but in securing funding. The two are separate (although sometimes linked) processes for PhDs and its entirely possible to be admitted to the PhD but not be awarded funding. Funding is very competitive so a low 2:1 at undergraduate may be a barrier, although a distinction in a research masters may help ameliorate this potentially...?
Thank you! It's good to know that admission isn't completely out of the question, I'm international so securing funding seems a bit impossible with my marks
Original post by Phrik
Thank you! It's good to know that admission isn't completely out of the question, I'm international so securing funding seems a bit impossible with my marks

Did you end up receiving an offer? I am in a very similar position

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