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Choosing highers

Hello, I am currently choosing subjects for my highers and I have no idea what to do.

My first question is to do with maths, I just passed national 4 (embarrassing ik) but I was recommended for the national 5 NPA Personal finance unit, but I'm not sure if I should take that or national 5 applications.

I'm also conflicted on whether I should take higher english??? Is it good to have as a back up? I'm personally sick of constantly analysing poems and writing useless essays. (My class is also stuck with a terrible teacher)

Also, I have decided to definitely take Higher Politics and Sociology, but my brother advises me to at least take modern studies. Is it worth taking modern studies on top of the two or to just leave it?

(last one) I was also considering taking higher human biology since it looks really interesting, but the things holding me back are the fact that I'm really not much of a science person (currently slaving through National 5 biology with a crap teacher) and I'm terrible at doing ANY kind of maths in biology.

Could someone who took higher human biology share their experience of what it was like? Thank you! (and sorry for the rant)
(edited 11 months ago)

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I recommend that you get at least nat 5 maths. Most university courses require you to have higher english so it would also be useful. it all really comes down to what you want to do after you leave school
It's generally recommended to take Higher Politics in S6 and only if you did Higher Modern Studies (or at least a higher in another social subject like History), so you'd probably be better off doing Modern Studies (even if it's a crash, you don't necessarily need any background knowledge from Nat 5).

You should definitely do Nat 5 Maths, that's a fairly "essential" qualification.

As for other subjects, are you taking a language (ie French, Spanish etc, not including English)? If you are and you're decent at it/plan to continue with it then I'd suggest that, even potentially with a crash in another language (I'm suggesting this as a possibility because I did Nat 5 French last year and am now in S5 doing Higher French and crash Higher Spanish and crashing Spanish has been surprisingly easy. I don't imagine it would be easy if I hadn't done French though obviously.)
Reply 3
Original post by Elenaa_212
Hello, I am currently choosing subjects for my highers and I have no idea what to do.

My first question is to do with maths, I just passed national 4 (embarrassing ik) but I was recommended for the national 5 NPA Personal finance unit, but I'm not sure if I should take that or national 5 applications.

I'm also conflicted on whether I should take higher english??? Is it good to have as a back up? I'm personally sick of constantly analysing poems and writing useless essays. (My class is also stuck with a terrible teacher)

Also, I have decided to definitely take Higher Politics and Sociology, but my brother advises me to at least take modern studies. Is it worth taking modern studies on top of the two or to just leave it?

(last one) I was also considering taking higher human biology since it looks really interesting, but the things holding me back are the fact that I'm really not much of a science person (currently slaving through National 5 biology with a crap teacher) and I'm terrible at doing ANY kind of maths in biology.

Could someone who took higher human biology share their experience of what it was like? Thank you! (and sorry for the rant)

hi! I'm currently doing H Human Biology and really enjoying it. The first unit is a bit of a drag as it's mostly about cells but units 2&3 are really interesting in my opinion! The maths based questions don't really step up from N5 (percentage increase/decrease, ratios, etc), the only difference is the graph reading questions but those are all very similar and easy to master. If you're worried about it I recommend speaking to your teacher (or you said they're not so great so -a teacher you trust) and ask them for advice. If you're genuinely interested in it then it'll definitely be worthwhile! Most of it is memorising which I think is what makes it different compared to the other sciences.
From what I've seen, human bio and Modern Studies are some of the hardest subjects to do well in so unless your really interested, stick with politics (and normal higher biology if you want, which js easier).
If you want to go to university or college, check the requirements. Higher English and some form of n5 maths (sometimes they allow n5 apps instead) are normally required, so there would be a high chance of you needing them.
Original post by Elenaa_212
Hello, I am currently choosing subjects for my highers and I have no idea what to do.
My first question is to do with maths, I just passed national 4 (embarrassing ik) but I was recommended for the national 5 NPA Personal finance unit, but I'm not sure if I should take that or national 5 applications.
I'm also conflicted on whether I should take higher english??? Is it good to have as a back up? I'm personally sick of constantly analysing poems and writing useless essays. (My class is also stuck with a terrible teacher)
Also, I have decided to definitely take Higher Politics and Sociology, but my brother advises me to at least take modern studies. Is it worth taking modern studies on top of the two or to just leave it?
(last one) I was also considering taking higher human biology since it looks really interesting, but the things holding me back are the fact that I'm really not much of a science person (currently slaving through National 5 biology with a crap teacher) and I'm terrible at doing ANY kind of maths in biology.
Could someone who took higher human biology share their experience of what it was like? Thank you! (and sorry for the rant)

Dont be to hard on yourself about maths I'm in the same boat atm and have decided to just do it in s6 or collage. Good luck with your choices :smile:
Original post by hannah8patricia
From what I've seen, human bio and Modern Studies are some of the hardest subjects to do well in so unless your really interested, stick with politics (and normal higher biology if you want, which js easier).
If you want to go to university or college, check the requirements. Higher English and some form of n5 maths (sometimes they allow n5 apps instead) are normally required, so there would be a high chance of you needing them.

I know I’m well late to the party but I would argue differently. In S5 I crashed Higher modern and Politics. In modern I got 98% and politics 75%, getting C’s in both the assignment and source questions. Moddies was way easier and is essentially common sense for the essays and the source questions require no prior knowledge. Whilst the politics essays involved qoutes and there is a 20 mark source question which is EXTREMELY hard to do well in.
Reply 7
Original post by Zesty lemon
I know I’m well late to the party but I would argue differently. In S5 I crashed Higher modern and Politics. In modern I got 98% and politics 75%, getting C’s in both the assignment and source questions. Moddies was way easier and is essentially common sense for the essays and the source questions require no prior knowledge. Whilst the politics essays involved qoutes and there is a 20 mark source question which is EXTREMELY hard to do well in.

Hello sorry for the late reply, but all I can say is that I deeply regret choosing politics. The funny thing is that I have the same teacher for politics and Sociology, and she warning people about choosing sociology by saying that there's a lot of content and stuff like that and that they should maybe switch to politics instead as it is more narrow in terms of content. Imo sociology is so easy and I always get good marks on my timed questions but politics is really difficult for me, so idk why she was telling people to switch lol
Original post by Elenaa_212
Hello sorry for the late reply, but all I can say is that I deeply regret choosing politics. The funny thing is that I have the same teacher for politics and Sociology, and she warning people about choosing sociology by saying that there's a lot of content and stuff like that and that they should maybe switch to politics instead as it is more narrow in terms of content. Imo sociology is so easy and I always get good marks on my timed questions but politics is really difficult for me, so idk why she was telling people to switch lol

All I can say for politics is know your essays because the questions don't vary, memorise six (two from each section) that are 20/20 and you are guaranteed 52/110 and then you can completely screw up the rest and its fine. Although props if you have a good teacher you will must likely do better on the assignment so dw
Hi, how did you find Higher Human Bio if you took it? For me, it's really interesting right now - but the questions are so difficult to answer loll 😭 Maybe I am just a maths/physics person
Original post by imxa6
Hi, how did you find Higher Human Bio if you took it? For me, it's really interesting right now - but the questions are so difficult to answer loll 😭 Maybe I am just a maths/physics person

I got a D at nat 5 so now I'm re sitting it bc it was my best option and I got kicked out of higher biology after the summer holidays 💀🙏
Original post by Elenaa_212
I got a D at nat 5 so now I'm re sitting it bc it was my best option and I got kicked out of higher biology after the summer holidays 💀🙏

Oh 😭😭 that's so sad but good luck with ur exams/prelims :smile:)
Original post by imxa6
Oh 😭😭 that's so sad but good luck with ur exams/prelims :smile:)

Thank you! ❤️
Original post by imxa6
Oh 😭😭 that's so sad but good luck with ur exams/prelims :smile:)

Hi sorry guys I am kinda in the same boat my issue is that I am picking my highers with no idea of what I want to do most of my subjects are stem so I take higher maths rn and nat5 physics chemistry french computing English. And I don't know if I should crash higher biology or not... I like biology but I haven't done it since S2 so ...I just want to do it to keep my options open because medicine has been an option for me as well
Original post by Tamilore3
Hi sorry guys I am kinda in the same boat my issue is that I am picking my highers with no idea of what I want to do most of my subjects are stem so I take higher maths rn and nat5 physics chemistry french computing English. And I don't know if I should crash higher biology or not... I like biology but I haven't done it since S2 so ...I just want to do it to keep my options open because medicine has been an option for me as well

I would say do it, but only if you familiarise yourself with some of the nat 5 concepts since it will help. Trust me if you start learning about DNA replication without any prior knowledge your head will blow 🤣
Original post by Elenaa_212
I would say do it, but only if you familiarise yourself with some of the nat 5 concepts since it will help. Trust me if you start learning about DNA replication without any prior knowledge your head will blow 🤣

Hahaha okay thank you so much
Original post by Tamilore3
Hahaha okay thank you so much

Np 🥰🙌
Original post by Elenaa_212
Np 🥰🙌

Or should I just crash it in S6 I really dkk😔
Original post by Tamilore3
Or should I just crash it in S6 I really dkk😔

Idk, it's a tough course but if you are willing to put in the work then you can do anything. If you think it will benefit you then go for it! Also it helps if you have a teacher that suits your style of learning.

Last year for nat 5 bio I had a teacher that would constantly pick on us throughout the lesson so I felt like I couldn't process the information. My biggest nightmare was walking in on monday period 1 and seeing that spinny wheel with all of our names on it 🤣

But again if you really need it and put your mind to it just for that one year it will pay off for the rest of your life and you won't have to worry about it again.
Original post by Elenaa_212
Idk, it's a tough course but if you are willing to put in the work then you can do anything. If you think it will benefit you then go for it! Also it helps if you have a teacher that suits your style of learning.
Last year for nat 5 bio I had a teacher that would constantly pick on us throughout the lesson so I felt like I couldn't process the information. My biggest nightmare was walking in on monday period 1 and seeing that spinny wheel with all of our names on it 🤣
But again if you really need it and put your mind to it just for that one year it will pay off for the rest of your life and you won't have to worry about it again.

Okay thanks this has given me so much guidance.i will probably do NAT 5 this year and higher next year

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