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Higher human biology or just higher biology

Hello, I’m currently sitting Nat 5 biology, Nat 5 chemistry, Nat 5 physics, Nat 5 maths, Nat 5 English, Nat 5 french and Nat 5 mods. I hope to do medicine at university. I’m not sure if I should choose human biology or normal biology. Also which one is more difficult? (I’d choose the easier one 😅). If anyone has done the courses please tell me how you found it. I have to get an A.
Reply 1
Hiya, I'm doing human biology at the moment. I want to do Medicine too and from all the Scottish uni entry requirements I've seen, all of them are fine with you taking either one! If the plant stuff from Nat 5 was enjoyable for you go on with normal bio. I personally didn't love it, which is why I took human but I'll have to learn some next year as I've chosen Advanced Bio for S6. In terms of difficulty they're pretty much the same. There's a lot of memorisation and in my opinion too much math and problem solving. Be aware of the jump from Nat 5 to Higher (in both human and normal) but other than that I think just go with what one interests you more :smile:
Reply 2
I chose higher human because I enjoy the human aspect and absolutely hated the plants part of Nat5. The only thing I would say is there is no advanced higher human bio so if you're looking to take advanced higher like me I would consider that before you take higher human. I would say though from personal experience it's not too bad and I really enjoyed higher human :smile:
Higher Human Biology is much more popular with the pupils in our school - to the point we didn't even run a Higher Biology class in 2023/24. I'm not sure why it is more popular though!

Have you taken a look at the units and topics covered in each course? That might help shape which one appeals to you more.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 4
Also I will say that you can still do Advanced Higher Biology even if you did Human at Higher, if that's something you plan to take.

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