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Help in choosing subjects for higher

Hi i am currently doing Nat 5 with all 3 sciences and history.i am choosing bio,chemtry and maths in Higher n want a easy subject along with them.i m thinking to choose history bt i think it's not easy to get A in a subject where u have to write alot.want to do medicines
(edited 12 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Something6481
Hi i am currently doing Nat 5 with all 3 sciences and history.i am choosing bio,chemtry and maths in Higher n want a easy subject along with them.i m thinking to choose history bt i think it's not easy to get A in a subject where u have to write alot.

The best advice I can personally give you is to crash higher business or admin (if your school allows that), very easy highers and very good for future jobs as many of the skills earned are those required by employers especially with so many jobs using a computer.
Reply 2
Original post by ConnorRF
The best advice I can personally give you is to crash higher business or admin (if your school allows that), very easy highers and very good for future jobs as many of the skills earned are those required by employers especially with so many jobs using a computer.

I want to do medicines and want to do all my focus on bio maths n chemistry tats y asking nn easy 4th subject
Reply 3
Original post by Something6481
I want to do medicines and want to do all my focus on bio maths n chemistry tats y asking nn easy 4th subject

Yeh I would still suggest business or admin.
Reply 4
Original post by ConnorRF
Yeh I would still suggest business or admin.

Thanks alot
Reply 5
what abt modern studies? its really interesting and easy to get an A in
or RMPS? Its good for interview prep because u learn about euthanasia and ethics
(edited 12 months ago)
hi ! i totally agree with connor. higher business and admin is very simple and straightforward. there is a lot to remember in business but it’s nothing too shocking. another good idea would be to take a language - if you keep up with the work and do some studying at home (even if it’s duolingo daily throughout the year) you could easily get an a !
Reply 7
Both my daughters crashed RMPS and got As, think its quite an easy higher

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