Hi I am currently coming to the end of my degree and just curious about degree classification based on my grades.
I have looked at the regulations here:
https://regulations.docstore.port.ac.uk/ExamRegs9BoardofExaminers.pdfAnd have seen the rules below for working out degree classification: The Board of Examiners shall recommend to a student who is eligible for the relevant award, as defined in the document Awards of the University of Portsmouth, the highest classification arising from the application of the following formulae:
a) the classification of the weighted mean of all relevant credits at Level 5 and all relevant credits at Level 6 in the ratio of 40:60 respectively after first discounting the marks in the worst 20 credits both at Level 5 and at Level 6;
b) the classification of the weighted mean of all relevant credits at Level 6 after first discounting the marks in the worst 20 credits at Level 6
c) the minimum classification in which more than 50% of the combined relevant credits at Level 5 and Level 6 were attained after first discounting the marks in the worst 20 credits both at Level 5 and at Level 6
I have also used the calculator here:
https://soc.port.ac.uk/dcalc/I was just curious about the wording of rule C. Does that mean if I got 3 modules worth 20 credits graded at 60% in level 5 and another 3 modules of 20 credits graded at 60% in level 6 that I would get a final grade of 60% overall regardless of what I got from my dissertation which is worth 40 credits?
I was just a little confused and unsure if the calculator was correct,
Thank you!