The Student Room Group

Lancaster university maths

I have received an offer to study maths at Lancaster. How good is the uni for this subject and any opinions of the course would be welcome.
Hi, I'm a second year Math student going into my third year at Lancaster. I would say, from how the university is ranked for maths, the math department is pretty good and ranked like 5 in the UK for research also the statistics here is highly ranked aswell, if you have any questions about modules ect lmk. Overall the course is pretty decent, kinda lacks some analysis modules for your third year but I believe there's talk of them adding some in the future, also they are adding cryptography/ dynamic modelling as a third year module which is pretty cool 🙂
Original post by Anonymous
I have received an offer to study maths at Lancaster. How good is the uni for this subject and any opinions of the course would be welcome.

Hi Anon,
Congrats on your offer to study maths at Lancaster! Whilst I don't study maths myself, so cant provide any direct opinions on the course, I do know the university is highly ranked for maths.
Additionally, Lancaster also has lots of other support to enhance employability throughout the degree. For example, the careers service are fantastic in offering lots of support on looking for graduate jobs, placements and internships and can help with mock interviews and assessment centers to help prepare you for applying for graduate jobs.
Hope this helps!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)

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